UN accuses the USA of Human Rights violations

It's member based. Each member pays their share. If the US pulls out... Which would alienate us from the rest of the world except Russia.. it'd still be fine. Because the funding is by member

don't confuse the retards. they think they know everything, after all they watch faux news
U funny liberals think name calling will help u win.

is a racist trumptard crying about insults?

It's disgusting and unbelievable what a single idiot has done to the USA in such a short period of time. It really needs to be stopped, impeach that pos, or find another way to get rid of him before your country goes into a spin it can't reverse. The friends I have there, family that lives there, all say the same thing and still wonder how he ever got elected. He's such an asshole, nothing he says or does surprises me anymore, he's singlehandedly ruining your country, and to many, he is America. Not everyone has friends/family or travels there regularly to understand that's he's not representative of the American people.
What an outstanding paragraph of group think I think you hit almost all the talking points....