UN accuses the USA of Human Rights violations

that was your side retard. they swapped parties in 1964 after johnson passed the civil rights act. johnson went on to say he was afraid they had lost the south for a generation. he was wrong, it's been 2 generations and counting. racist republitards like you fled to the GOP after dems let the black man have rights

so big southern conservative dummy retards such as yourself are racists and in the party of racists, then and now.

god damn, you conservatards are stupid and when we spoon feed you, you regurgitate faux news/trump lies and conspiracy theories. you all are in need a a severe ass whipping...

Bullshiy and liberal lies....what was the vote tally in 64?
Southern conservatives supported slavery

Southern conservatives now vote for republicans

Southern conservatives now have torchlit nazi marches to protest the tearing down of slave raper statues
Why did the south wait until Clinton to republican? Congress did not change until the ninties
How the fuck did i get updates on this. The older I get....like by the millisecond...the more i realize there is a common ground someplace. We need to get there for the future of humanity or we are all going walking dead and orange people aint making it.
the republicans started out as a pro-slavery party
Are you really that stupid?
The party was founded on destroying slavery. You really are such an awful liar. Did you even finish high school?

The anti-slavery Whigs broke off and formed their own party March 20 th 1854. Seriously you may be the biggest dipshit this world has seen in its history. maybe? 100k posts of bullshit? Nostradamus may have had you beat with his stank but you must be up there.
who did the KKK endorse in 2016?

Who cares what 26 cellar dwellers endorsed? Only leftist care about such things. The rest of us know that the Democratic party is in rigamortis and they need a race war to save themselves. The only saving grace for the party is the black community who has been lied to and forgotten by elites who only care about their vote.

"Today they say that we are free, only to be chained in poverty." -RNM
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according to two dozen posts in which you try to use robert byrd as a cudgel, who denounced the klan and got a 100% rating with the NAACP, you do

why do you vote for the guy who was endorsed by the ku klux klan and american nazi party you sick fuck?
The KKK actually had power when they were backing the Democrats segeregating the south and holding up reconstruction, now they have liberal media giving them a soapbox an inflating their egos.

You have any proof on the ncaap voting record? 100%? You can't even lie and make it believeble. He not only voted against the civil Rights act but he fillabustered it for 14 hours. 100% huh?
The I think it was the other way around, It was the Democrats that were members of, and backed the formation of KKK at the end of the Civil War.. White southern Dems jumped on that bandwagon to stay in control.. They're a lot like reformed sinners.. "Don't remind us what we did, look at what their trying to do now."
The I think it was the other way around, It was the Democrats that were members of, and backed the formation of KKK at the end of the Civil War.. White southern Dems jumped on that bandwagon to stay in control.. They're a lot like reformed sinners.. "Don't remind us what we did, look at what their trying to do now."

The KKK was created after the civil war by confederate veterans and led by Nathan Bedford Forrest (A democrat and confederate general who massacred surrendered black union troops) and was most powerful during the times of the "Solid South" when Democrats controlled every aspect of gov in the South (for almost 100 years)
The KKK were the strong arm of the Democratic party through that 100 years.

Interestingly enough the Democrats are still using the KKK as a scare/terror tactic in 2018.
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The KKK was created after the civil war by confederate veterans and led by Nathan Bedford Forrest (A democrat and confederate general who massacred surrendered black union troops) and was most powerful during the times of the "Solid South" when Democrats controlled every aspect of gov in the South (for almost 100 years)
The KKK were the strong arm of the Democratic party through that 100 years.

Interestingly enough the Democrats are still using the KKK as a scare/terror tactic in 2018.
Considering how awful Republicans are today and have been since Nixon, it's a small wonder that right wingnuts like you would prefer to talk about history from 100 to 150 years ago.

The KKK and racists who support it are today a bulwark of the Republican party.
The KKK was created after the civil war by confederate veterans and led by Nathan Bedford Forrest (A democrat and confederate general who massacred surrendered black union troops) and was most powerful during the times of the "Solid South" when Democrats controlled every aspect of gov in the South (for almost 100 years)
The KKK were the strong arm of the Democratic party through that 100 years.

Interestingly enough the Democrats are still using the KKK as a scare/terror tactic in 2018.
The kkk endorses trump