**ULTIMATE LED TEST** *GLH Spectra 290* VS *Blackstar 500* VS *Hydro Grow LED 336X*


Well-Known Member
Hi WJ - I am "scribed. This is a great comparison. Do you notice any difference in smell of the plants under the different lights?


Active Member
Blackstars are sick i pulled 1.6 gpw first run through on my 240
Holy s***! :D
Reaaaaally? How many plants? did you scrog, or just like "that"? That's very impressive.
are the fans on blackstars very noisy? The only thing that puts me off a bit, the poor one year warranty.
They also claim they use 98% CREE diodes, the remain 2% Bridgelux. Can that be real?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Yes they use brigelux for a spectrum cree doesn't make. Those numbers came from 27 sourd x Ssh clones on a 2x3 ebb table I got a bunch of frosty hay from overfilling my table I can pull the same from one plant scribed and I wish I and known at he time now I do though not makin stupid ass mistakes like that anymore p

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Fans aren't too loud one year warranty whatever most everything only has a one year not a lot of shit has 5 year warranties and if they do there's usually clauses for certain shit


Active Member
Hi WJ - I am "scribed. This is a great comparison. Do you notice any difference in smell of the plants under the different lights?
Right on, nice to have you! I don't, they are all extremely skunk on the same level.. but I have to basically put my nose on it to smell it because of how much air is moving through there. I'm so excited for this harvest!!


Well-Known Member
I am currently about to harvest a 6 plants under 2 500w Blackstar LEDs. Click on the second link to see my current grow. Harvest will be saturday.


Active Member
I am currently about to harvest a 6 plants under 2 500w Blackstar LEDs. Click on the second link to see my current grow. Harvest will be saturday.
I've been following it! I'm excited for you and to see what you yield. Are you going to weigh in wet and dry? or only after its cured?


Well-Known Member
I would love to do/see a blackstar 500 vs an advanced ds200. damm i wish i could buy both lights and test them!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
As much loot as u guys make the hydro shop with ur R&D they should just give us stuff..I can wait to post my grow I got 6 plants waiting to find the chicks in the group, but im not gonna jackup the thread by posting them under HID


Well-Known Member
Im Thankful for u guys priceless info, u have saved people a ton of Loot Its Like 100 no doubt!!


Well-Known Member
We wonder why we get trolls and led hate spewers in our journals. Much of the blame lies with companies passing off this shit.


I'd be straight on the hate wagon if I hadn't bothered to do my proper research and bought something like this. I like to cruze ebay cause you can sometimes find some kick ass deals, that's where I got most of my led lighting. Some of the ads just make my blood boil though. Seriously, take a sec and check this ad, its beyond absurd. Each diode produces .054 watts. Some poor schmuck is about to get a free market invisible hand job to the tune of $122, no lubrication.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Man I wanna pinh whoever made that light lol wat an asshole shit like hat gets me really heated too hoss as you know I've been usin blackstars since my join date here actually before but I looked at lots of lights and there were other great ones out there at the time too but there was way more shit like the link you posted and I really had to searh hard to find a good light. It really insults my intelligence when people say LEDs are bullshit because of all that research I had to do. It's nice to finally start to see some peoe take them seriously as well as ive converted an hps user as my partner into an led guy he still wants to use his 600 til it dies but he fully believes that LEDs are really truly great lights and we are just workin on stackin up some $ for multiple blackstars and kessils to run.

The ignorance level of people amaze me growing is an art you can't just go oh and be he shit over night and these people that expect to be able to just buy shit with no prior research or little to none and think that LEDs are bullshit cause they were too fuckin lazy to do research and spend their money on a good product.

I for one do not like to throw money away and IMO if you don't do your research on ANYTHING for that matter before you purchase it your in for a rude surprise. So in conclusion I concur and it upsets me seein shit like that and upsets me that the trend of late has been ignorance on the part of research before a light purchase. Ive learned ao much about lighting since starting led research it's rerarded.

Again a big up to wejuana for helpin to spread the truth about LEDs, After he finishes up all his panel testing I'd like to see him take the winning manufacturer and run a watt for watt comparison with a 600led v a 600hps and also a 300watt draw led v a 600 hps. I'd like to see my theory proven that approximately 1/2-2/3 the watt draw of an hps in led output is enough to equal or better yield not to mention blow quality out the water.

If I could give the guy any more rep I would lol


Well-Known Member
Man I wanna pinh whoever made that light lol wat an asshole shit like hat gets me really heated too hoss as you know I've been usin blackstars since my join date here actually before but I looked at lots of lights and there were other great ones out there at the time too but there was way more shit like the link you posted and I really had to searh hard to find a good light. It really insults my intelligence when people say LEDs are bullshit because of all that research I had to do. It's nice to finally start to see some peoe take them seriously as well as ive converted an hps user as my partner into an led guy he still wants to use his 600 til it dies but he fully believes that LEDs are really truly great lights and we are just workin on stackin up some $ for multiple blackstars and kessils to run.

The ignorance level of people amaze me growing is an art you can't just go oh and be he shit over night and these people that expect to be able to just buy shit with no prior research or little to none and think that LEDs are bullshit cause they were too fuckin lazy to do research and spend their money on a good product.

I for one do not like to throw money away and IMO if you don't do your research on ANYTHING for that matter before you purchase it your in for a rude surprise. So in conclusion I concur and it upsets me seein shit like that and upsets me that the trend of late has been ignorance on the part of research before a light purchase. Ive learned ao much about lighting since starting led research it's rerarded.

Again a big up to wejuana for helpin to spread the truth about LEDs, After he finishes up all his panel testing I'd like to see him take the winning manufacturer and run a watt for watt comparison with a 600led v a 600hps and also a 300watt draw led v a 600 hps. I'd like to see my theory proven that approximately 1/2-2/3 the watt draw of an hps in led output is enough to equal or better yield not to mention blow quality out the water.

If I could give the guy any more rep I would lol
Sorry to thread jack wejuana...but there's a pretty good comparison on another forum that did a 200w led vs 250w hps and the led yielded nearly double so I think your theory is about correct for the 1/2 to 2/3. I always suspected about the same based on my own experiences as well.


Well-Known Member
word on the hps test. I had originally planned to do that myself as I once upon a time had 2 air cooled 400 watters. After I sold one of them to buy my first led lights I was about to set it up, but it was freakin hot in the dirty south summer I wouldn't have been able to run a "fair" watt for watt without adding high speed venting on the hps. HPS without high speed venting was keeping my closet at well over 90 degrees F, not acceptable for proper mj growth. Having used 3w leds for a minute now I am quite sure I know what would happen. Watt for watt leds will wax a hps/mh/cmh/cfl whatever you wanna toss at it. I'd still like to see it done ... for science of course (and maybe to give some trolls something to think about before they start spouting off).