had enough , after 7-8 yrs there of popping in and being treated like a dick they have banned me for the last time , i keep doing stupid things such as questioning the left wing rhetoric thats posted up time and time again , if you offer top quality grow info this goes ignored or questioned without merit , so much as question the crap some people post as grow info then your just a troll and can feck off !!
my usage these is series of posts , i log on as something to do , get entwined in the shit and walk away after a few months , mannnnn do i need to find a place i can all home , rollitup isnt being honest my first choice as being uber honest the load speed does annoy somewhat but given the fart in the face ive endured for the last few months the civility and charm of this place is sweeter than you lot can ever imagine
once the bans over im deleting ,,,, said id do it last time ,,,this time its got to happen for sanitys sake
uk420 can lick the cheese off the end of my greasy pole