quick get `im
fairness and justice for all ? thats socialism to me and who can really say fairer than that , im mostly there myself , nowt wrong with most peoples left wing idiology but the way its used and presented at uk420 ......... bejezuz
but anyway yeah i had to mention the left wing element as theres a shit load of inaccurate propaganda created out of tragedies or general changes in the law , the fucktards there cherry pick storys that are almost surreal and parade this as the justification for all thats wrong in this world , now me i see it slightly different , its its got a tail that wags and barks its not a duck , if someone posts up something thats wrong i tend to ask have they researched this at all ? where is the proof ? a social services report says someone has starved to death due to their money being stopped i tend to google that health authority and seek that report plus also every name before i give an opinion , when i find out its been made up i post up the same and sure as shit i must then be a troll or ban worthy due to not following the other sheep ,,,, doh!!!!!!!!