You know what? It's not enough most parents don't raise their kids properly, but on top of it expose them to adult activities at such a young age which results in the government tightening their laws and making stuff like marijuana legalization an extremely long and painful debate even for medicinal use. From the time you got kids walking around the street with a bottle of jack daniels and smoking spliffs then throwing that bottle on the road or at passer bys, then decide to mug an elderly person at knifepoint to go and pick up another 8th, and once they get back home they start acting like angels in front of their mother who sits her ass down doing fuck-all just claiming money off the benefit system telling police, "oh my son would never do that, he's like an angel", then he gets a slap on the wrist when he gets caught; do you really believe the government haven't already taken a look at this and told themselves they have enough problems with alcohol, imagine if they had access to weed the same way they have access to alcohol?
If you can't grow it, you shouldn't be able to smoke it. Learn how to give instead of only take.