Uh oh Package got intercepted

You get larfy ass kiefed bud that's overpriced. 3200$ an elbow isn't bad,but its pot they could off to a dispensary,and its vaccumed packed,dry or not cured right and I can go on and on..nobody here pulls out pot that even comes close to what I grow,but yet they have the'heady ass dankness' because they got a bag of ok buds compared to the sexy mexi or 'pretendica' that goes around..cali,keep your crap and make oil with it,quit getting over on naieve east coast stoners.
I have a friend who gets amazing pot through the mail from the PNW. It is out there and we still pay a premium for it compared to their local markets. Also done right it makes the local authorities less likely to realize how much you're moving. I imagine it's pretty tough dropping off a few pounds at a d and realizing you could have gotten $500+ more for each one for dropping it in the mail.
I agree ccc,I have a good friend that moves pounds at a time and he gets good herb,he takes all the shake and gives it to his wife,his customers the buds,and has no set price..if he payed a lil extra for the extra nice,he dishes up the overhead to his customers but keeps it reasonable..if he wants 300 an ounce,his quarters are 75 each..very kind guy..and he don't even smoke pot!!
Skuba..I also agree..too many opportunists and not enough purists.
Duck..my buddy will get the premium at a premium price,but still be kind and charge as little as possible to keep his friends happy..sometimes he asks for the best just to treat the crowd to something special..good family he is.
Lol... I am having some Girl Scout Cookies delivered right now... so bomb....

yeah, Rory, here is the thing... there is a lot a lot alot of competition in Cali. Everyone is trying to get rich quick growing weed. Only problem is , it takes some degree of skill to grow bomb. There is a massive flood of shwagtastic buds and outdoor. For example: I was coming back from a run at night a month ago and one of the homes in my neighborhood about 6 houses down ( I know they grow because I can smell it when I run, I know all the grow houses) they had their garage door up because they were moving and finishing this grow. Well the wife or whatever comes down the street to talk to my wife and I hit her up... I said " hey, you guys have a grow going, sorry I saw your door up...anyways I have some equipment I am selling if you are interested...also, I am looking for a couple ounces to satisfy my customer base" To which she replied " well, I don't know if he wants to buy any equipment but he sells all his weed to Texas. He has like 3 customers in Texas..." .... fuck I thought... that is godamn stupid... but if you can't sell your weed to the clubs then fuck it I guess.....

I grew some super dank Afghan Kush and was entered into top shelf at the few clubs I went to. I was only able to get 600$ a QP...for cash on delivery. Most people can't even get their bud into the clubs.... IF you have some rare dankness like Girl Scout Cookies then you could get lucky and find a club to give you 700 -750 a qp. never more..... it is hardcore competition in California... Lucky for me I have like 4 main people I can sell to but only small amounts....now if only I had some godamn weed LOL grow damn it grow!
I am happy as a clam tonight! two months ago I was fucking looking for weed to buy! My main club got raided for not paying taxes... and the other club I fucking hate (my dad dated the owner, long story) ...and the delivery service was not answering.!!! But to my luck and delight there are no less than 5 delivery services now!!!! One delivers till 2 AM!!! nice... great competition means better bud and faster service... this dude got here in 20 minuts with the bomb GSC!!!! fuck ya
Guys tons of cannabis get mailed every year. There's people in CA who are thrilled to get $2500/lb and peopleout east who will think christmas came early for that price. $3200 is a good price for a pound out here.

This is the damn truth. I think it was delivered to the wrong place. If it had your name on it you might be fucked depending on who got it. Maybe some old fart will think he's getting hard core drugs off the street by turning it in. I think if the cops got it they would be kicking your door in.
I am happy as a clam tonight! two months ago I was fucking looking for weed to buy! My main club got raided for not paying taxes... and the other club I fucking hate (my dad dated the owner, long story) ...and the delivery service was not answering.!!! But to my luck and delight there are no less than 5 delivery services now!!!! One delivers till 2 AM!!! nice... great competition means better bud and faster service... this dude got here in 20 minuts with the bomb GSC!!!! fuck ya
i wish i could get fire tree delivered like it's a damn pizza! 600 a quap sounds absolutely ridiculous..i've never seen one go for less than 800 round' here. don't see how someone would 'get rich quick' selling at those prices!
Nobody likes a braggart imp..lol..
See that's the thing..the stuff that isn't bomb or is some inferior shit,is sent here because of the situation in cali..hell I overheard someone saying here in town you can't even find mexican brick(but that's a lie..there is bud allover)..you pull out some kiefed larfy cali reject and they go gaga! And it the shit that the clubs wouldn't accept for 600$ a qp and it gets sent here and dumbasses pay 1k!!!..untill honesty gets involved with this situation,ima keep groing my own and embarrasing all other 'entreprneurs'...lol
Ppl r so ignorant ...oh my weeds so bomb.. its cuz u started smoking last year... 6-8 years ago there was REAL fire in Connecticut... now its all mids in bud form lol n yes ppl pay 900-1000 all day with shit that has 100 seeds in just a qp lol... good thing I'm doin the opposite of paying those prices.. haha.. we out here. And yes duck 2500 all day but if u don't speak up 3000-3200.
Lol..I hear people say I can get you an ounce for 150$..I laugh and say I've got a compost pile..ill find some grass clippings in it for free..
Bragging...shit... that is fucking embarrassing....600$ a qp is desperation ....units for 2400 of bomb all day in LA and Sac town
Come out east and see how good you got it bro..I meant bragging as in the delivery service..we got those also,but they come when they want and still bring crappy pot..oh,and its waaaaaay more expensive..and they might not get to your house for 24hours..and only accept cash.
it has got to be pretty nice having the dank in that environment then....If I was you I would hook up the dank at 40$ a eighth ....steady loyal customer base drooling for your bud. To get anything going around here I am going to have to go give out grams to old customers to show them what I got going and hope for business. ....there are still a lot of people who refuse to get the medical card though. I don't get that... only 60$ for a trip to the "Kush Clinic" and you are now 215 compliant....
I bet there is a convoy heading back East every day from California.... Highway Patrol state to state must drool when they see those California Plates...... I would wear a suit and tie and rent a nice ride. If I got pulled over I would hand them a Jehovas witness pamphlet immediately.
it has got to be pretty nice having the dank in that environment then....If I was you I would hook up the dank at 40$ a eighth ....steady loyal customer base drooling for your bud. To get anything going around here I am going to have to go give out grams to old customers to show them what I got going and hope for business. ....there are still a lot of people who refuse to get the medical card though. I don't get that... only 60$ for a trip to the "Kush Clinic" and you are now 215 compliant....
I bet there is a convoy heading back East every day from California.... Highway Patrol state to state must drool when they see those California Plates...... I would wear a suit and tie and rent a nice ride. If I got pulled over I would hand them a Jehovas witness pamphlet immediately.
You need to run very large loads across country to make any money. You're talking $400 in gas each way in a reasonably efficient car. Now add in the other costs of travel, you're gonna want to get a hotel at least once. Even driving fast that's 3 days of solid driving. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but those are big operations making false walls in shipping containers and stuff. Not exactly the kind of thing your average entrepreneur can afford to invest in.
It's less than $20 to ship a large flat rate priority mail box across the country.
i wish people would take a better business approach to selling weed...

when i sold weed i had no problem paying a premium price for premium herb. my idea was to steal everyone's customers by offering way better quality at the same price, and it worked. i had 2 steady connects as most dealers should, so it's not like i was going to run out of weed lol. if you have a steady connect, why not acquire as many customers as possible?

Aint it funny what people consider a "fair" price depending on whether they are buying or selling?

OP, you connect needs to learn how to ship weed. It aint that hard to get a QP thru the US Mail or UPS. Proper packaging and overnight shipping are paramount. Triple seal the shit in Turkey bags, being sure to wash the exterior of each bag thoroughly before sealing it in the next one, wrap it in plastic wrap with a deodorizer, finally shrink wrap it and have it shipped OVERNIGHT (10:30 delivery) I would put the final wrapped items in jars, then put those jars in a box and fill with great stuff expanding foam. Now all this "extra" packaging and handling expense is gonna play a factor in the price of either the product or the shipping costs, but hey, better safe than sorry.
It will more than likely be a DEA agent posing as a delivery driver if they are gonna bust you. Do you know your regular UPS guy?
I'm assuming it was UPS, you never really stated which delivery service y'all normally use. I know my regular UPS guy, and would never accept a dirty package from a "relief" driver. (Except for several years ago, I DID have a regular driver who was "sick or injured" more than he was at work!!!)
USPS needs a warrant to open packages, UPS needs to feel like it. Not that a warrant is hard to get. The trick is to make sure it's really well packaged so it never arouses suspicions in the first place.