Uh oh Package got intercepted

I keep checking in hoping your ok dude!!
I also realized your screenname is the antithesis of this situation...
Any luck on saul?
If so ill hunt him down and feed him his life.
Won't be hard..go to nova,find the biggest pile,and scoop...hell be right under the pile.
they need to start banning by IP.... I know its easily circumvented, but most trolls arent that savvy.

But yeah... I'm gonna be pretty mad if Heis is a troll. I told him some fairly personal stuff about my divorce, etc,etc in an attempt to reason with him.

Anyone else see irony in him naming himself after Walter White? I mean that was definately a self destructive story that was only going to end badly...

Anyways I still think he's real based on the PM's I recieved earlier this week, I just hope hes ok. He probibly did get booked though :(

remember this guy? he participated in the suicide troll with trippy mayne. i'm starting to believe heisenberg and trippy are the same people too...

can we get a mod to do an ip check?
I allready called him out on it and reported his post. Hes the worst kind of troll.... who the fuck gets there jollys running around telling people that someones dead. Sick, Pathetic kid.... Kharma is gonna kick him in the balls one day
One who trolls always is looking for attention and will just about say or do anything to get it...
Hmmm let me point out the recent threads started by Berg

We have the
BK-MDMA (Methylone) thread
United States Postal Services thread
Thing's aren't going to well thread
and the great most cherrist thread on the site of all RIU
i just fought my onw dad thread
If you ask me this guy is a deff troll no doubt about it. It's like once his last shenanigan dies down he has to bring the spot light back on him and make another.
But if this is real (good 5% chance) then kutoos to him because that is alot of shit to deal with in the last month!
had to delete my other post because I was dead wrong.

Trippy mane, I'm Heisenberg and KushClouds420 all must be relatives because they dame sure look alike.