Uh...it was just 90 degrees in there...

Very few actually know the science or you wouldnt struggle with quantifying heat on this board.

I have no more really to add, the science is there just you keep telling me they work and give no basis.

How much will a cooltube cool an already vented room? Lets talk about that convection properly please not just statements based on some assumption - i too have used both barebulb and cool shade and found that they adhere to scientific principle like ive explained.

Convection.... over to you :-)
How arrogant to assume that you have special knowledge about basic concepts of physics.
How arrogant to assume that you have special knowledge about basic concepts of physics.

He is nothing but a troll. It's sad because he holds some useful knowledge. However, he also likes to spew useless nonsense like "air cool hoods don't work". I both understand the science and explained it already. It's really sad that his mind is so feeble he can't get over his own ego to realize he is in fact wrong yet again. But he would rather just call others ignorant and repeat the same non-sense again. I don't engage with trolls. The next time he is wrong I'll point it out again and explain why just like I always do.
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An inherent problem of small enclosed highly reflective spaces lit by a few hundred Watts.

Why wouldnt your tent be pretty xlosecto the intake air? Scientifically speaking if we work out the area and the fan cfm im pretty sure theres not a hell of a difference as the air rushes from your room into your tent and back out in a mere three or so seconds.....

dont understand your response. But none of the exhaust runs back into the room. Light exhaust pumps into a different room, and tent exhaust goes outside..
You're not getting away with anything you are constantly called out for your bad attitude and incorrect statements. Being arrogant doesn't make you right, it just shows everyone your an ass....

Nope just being right makes me right, and a gun but thats hardly the science way :-)
Nope just being right makes me right, and a gun but thats hardly the science way :-)

You can be right, however, you want in your little delusional world with your special physics that nooo one else but you understands I suppose. The rest of us live in the real world where we vent our heat every day and it cools our lights and rooms, meaning you're still wrong and you again look like a fool.
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Cool 79
Your temps still holding good with your vents open now ;)?

Cool 79 degrees and 48% humidity.... 67ish degrees when lights out (no change). Pretty good shape! Been too lazy to open the hood back up..its kind of a bitch since the 2 reflectors are tied together, it twists and torques the whole tent.!

Now that its dialed in, time to work on the fun stuff...making it quieter! Starting with the 12" hurricane wall mount...its louder than the 6" vortex, 6" hyper fan, and 8" hyper fan...combined!