U.S. Constitution

The system is fine. Its balanced and so far the best thing to have ever arose in any civilization.

Says who?

A better form of government is only achievable in theory.

Hmm, you have obviously never lived in ANY other country. I get to live a better form of government everyday! Maybe if you opened your eyes up you would see that.

That's because smart people have better things to do than run for public office.

Very true. I dont know if "smart" would be the word I would use though. maybe... "honest people have better things to do than run for public office."

Your manic delusions of grandeur, and your rabid outbursts of rage, leads me to believe that you suffer from an extreme bipolar condition. Are you off of your meds? bongsmilie


This coming from the guy who said "fuck you" in his last two posts... okay Vi...
I really dont get you. I shut you down in a thread and you disappear for awhile.

Why do you always come back for me to make a fool of you again?

All you got is personal attacks. you are so good at saying other peoples ideas are wrong yet i never hear an idea of your own. haha :wall::dunce:
Says who?

Our history. Whether you acknowledge it or not doesn't refute that the United States of America is the most powerful and influential country in the history of the world. Our three branches of power mechanism is the best system of balance in any government. Ever.

Hmm, you have obviously never lived in ANY other country. I get to live a better form of government everyday! Maybe if you opened your eyes up you would see that.

Uh right. Canada doesn't even hold a candle to the U.S.. Have I lived there? No, however my cousin married a canuke and moved there a few years ago and guess where they have to come when they need a hospital? I've seen the taxes they had to pay, I laughed mercilessly.

How many countries in the world have you visited? I have been to Mexico and different parts of Europe and I can safely say that all countries have positives and negatives about their government however the U.S. positives far outweigh the negatives. For the time being..
Our history.
Slavery? Women rights abuse? Hiroshima? The civil war? The great depression? Vietnam? Bush?
What exactly is so great with these?

Whether you acknowledge it or not doesn't refute that the United States of America is the most powerful and influential country in the history of the world.
Wow you must be thousands of years old to know that.
Because in the lessons I took I learned that Rome was a much much more powerful nation than anything we could ever imagine today.
And just remember, power doesnt mean anything. Power can be obtained in very unrighteous ways, and that definitely doesnt mean you are the best.

Our three branches of power mechanism is the best system of balance in any government. Ever.

america is the most powerful and influential nation that has ever been, you dont need to be a thousand years old to know that :lol:
Slavery? Women rights abuse? Hiroshima? The civil war? The great depression? Vietnam? Bush?

Slavery? Yeah, the United States was the only nation in the world to have ever had slaves. Is that what they teach in your liberal canuke schools?

Same thing with Women's rights. Guess who abolished that? and slavery.

As for Hiroshima, Truman (democrat) said himself that the atom bomb was a weapon of war and should be used as such. We deployed the bomb on Hiroshima in an effort to immediately end the war in the pacific. Estimated casualties for both American/Japanese forces by a land invasion is staggering, and because of how mainland Japan is sacred, the civilian casualties that would be inflicted defending Japan tops the casualties from both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bombs were deployed to save lives. Also, who do you think is the country pushing restrictions on these weapons?

Civil War? Not the best time in our history but we recovered.

The Great Depression was all over the world, not just the U.S.

Vietnam? France got us into that one. Dirty frenchies, if I'm not mistaken I believe half of Canada is french..

Bush? One of the best presidents in our country in a time of great peril.

What exactly is so great with these?

Well if you just want to focus on the negatives then you will get your misperceived mindset. How about looking at the positives? We liberated Europe from tyranny, we are the most generous and charitable country in the history of the world, we value a little thing called "freedom" and will assist any country looking to achieve it.

Of course we have stains on our history, but what great civilization doesn't? No, we are not perfect, but to judge us on our shortcomings than achievements is petty. Canada is about on the same level of importance as say.. Jamaica. You don't really have power so there isn't an opportunity to misuse it. I'm sure if Canada was as strong as the U.S. you'd have your mistakes too.

Wow you must be thousands of years to know that.

No, but I know history.

Because in the lessons I took I learned that Rome was a much much more powerful nation than anything we could ever imagine today.
And just remember, power doesnt mean anything. Power can be obtained in very unrighteous ways, and that definitely doesnt mean you are the best.

What the hell are you talking about. Rome was the most powerful country of THE KNOWN WORLD. They didn't even know what was around them, and their height of power was around 200 B.C., but are they the strongest nation in the history of the world? Not even.

We, the United States, can deploy force at any given point in the entire world.

Rome was the most powerful because of certain advantages, roads, aqueducts, and construction. Most of all because of their military formations and tactics. There have been more powerful nations than Rome in the history of the world. Even France had its moment, China was also very powerful.

Power doesn't mean everything, however the United States should be the one to have it. If not us, then who? Would you rather Korea? China? Russia even?


Bush is one of the best presidents? OMG Zen, can you send some of whatever you are on over to me? The man pretty much single handedly wrecked the entire country. You do realize his war in Iraq was a personal vendetta stemming from his Daddy and Saddam having problems with each other.

Bush even stated for the world to hear that "he tried to kill me father". I think you must have some Ostrich DNA running through your veins.

america is the most powerful and influential nation that has ever been, you dont need to be a thousand years old to know that :lol:

powerful? most likely, influential? highly doubtful. Right now everyone (90% of the rest of the world) hates the U.S. right now. I know you dont see the hatred there, but i even see it here. people are pissed off your government keeps starting needless wars and then you idiots come to Canada looking for soldiers to fight the bullshit war your gov. started.:wall:

Slavery? Yeah, the United States was the only nation in the world to have ever had slaves. Is that what they teach in your liberal canuke schools?

I wouldnt know, I was went to school in the U.S.

But one thing I do know is that Canada never had full fledged slaves like America did for so long. And when the African decided to run from that shit country where do you think they came?
Quakers from Canada helped them escape evil America.

As for Hiroshima, Truman (democrat) said himself that the atom bomb was a weapon of war and should be used as such. We deployed the bomb on Hiroshima in an effort to immediately end the war in the pacific.
Truman was a dipshit. Most U.S. preidents are dipshits.

The bombs were deployed to save lives.

Is that so? and what exactly is the reason the war ever started?

Civil War? Not the best time in our history but we recovered.

thats funny, when I lived in the U.S. I met MANY people that claim the civil war to still be waging today.
Can you comprehend that? Think about it hard

The Great Depression was all over the world, not just the U.S.
Not ALL over the world. And shit, the U.S. caused that depression like they are causing the recession that is happening now!

Vietnam? France got us into that one. Dirty frenchies, if I'm not mistaken I believe half of Canada is french..
The french didnt get you into anything you lying sack of shit. The U.S. could have pulled out at any time (like maybe when people were in uprise about it) but they REFUSED to. Big difference.

And FYI you undereducated ignorant prick, France French and Quebec French are totally different. And no, not half, not even close.

All you are is a big shit-talker, fuck you homeboy, U.S. is a shit hole compared to Canada,, and I know this from Living in both over 20 years a piece.

Bush? One of the best presidents in our country in a time of great peril.

And that just shows how fucking stupid you are

Canada is about on the same level of importance as say.. Jamaica. You don't really have power so there isn't an opportunity to misuse it. I'm sure if Canada was as strong as the U.S. you'd have your mistakes too.

This once agains shows how fucking stupid you are. Canada has one of the largest industries of forestry,, much larger than the U.S.
We also have a tonn of untapped oil in albetra. Citizens there dont even pay provincial taxes the province is doing so well!
We also have the largest fresh water supply in the world!

I'd say thats power. We just know not to abuse it. That way we dont have people blowing up our buildings.
Makes sense. Dont piss other countries off, dont get blown up.

No, but I know history.
So do I. And I see a history of a country fucking up time after time. Still havent learned either.


Soon to be added to the big list of blunders in the U.S. history book.

What the hell are you talking about. Rome was the most powerful country of THE KNOWN WORLD. They didn't even know what was around them, and their height of power was around 200 B.C., but are they the strongest nation in the history of the world? Not even.

You are getting desperate I see. Splitting hairs I see. Ha okay....... but rome would LEVEL THE U.S. in current times. All I am saying.

We, the United States, can deploy force at any given point in the entire world.

and you can also go to just about any country and be hated.
Canada can go to just about any country and.. well.. not be hated.
powerful? most likely, influential? highly doubtful. Right now everyone (90% of the rest of the world) hates the U.S. right now. I know you dont see the hatred there, but i even see it here. people are pissed off your government keeps starting needless wars and then you idiots come to Canada looking for soldiers to fight the bullshit war your gov. started.:wall:

Yes, we are the most influential. In a good and bad way, unfortunately we are influential with our drug policy around the world. Also we are influential with our capitalist system. 90% of the world hates us? Find me a link to that statistic please, a real one. That being said, who the fuck cares? I don't care what the world thinks of my country, they can kiss my ass cause I love it here. Do you know how many billions of dollars we give to other nations, how many airplanes fly over poor countries and just drop much needed supplies and food? No you don't know cause you are ignorant. We fight the needed wars, son. The U.N. doesn't have the balls but we do.

I wouldnt know, I was went to school in the U.S.

To bad you didn't pay attention then.

But one thing I do know is that Canada never had full fledged slaves like America did for so long. And when the African decided to run from that shit country where do you think they came?
Quakers from Canada helped them escape evil America.

Again, who abolished slavery?

Truman was a dipshit. Most U.S. preidents are dipshits.

Why was Truman a dipshit? Do you even know anything about him? Or do you just say stupid shit like that cause you are stubborn and ignorant? You are one of those people who have one mindset and stick to it no matter what. You are immature and hateful. Like a brat. And most of our presidents are great leaders and new age thinkers.

Is that so? and what exactly is the reason the war ever started?

History Lesson Time!!!

World War II was initiated after Hitler's rise of power in a newly formed Nazi Germany. Germany annexed Austria and Japan's expanded into Manchuria then into China. Britain warned Hitler to cease his hostilities.

England's Prime Minister Chamberlain got Hitler to sign the Munich Pact which basically promised Germany would not continue expanding. This treaty was "not worth the paper it was written on". Another example of you how you cannot negotiate your way out of something like this. (Does UN and Iraq sound familiar?)

With Germany blatantly refusing the pact and attacking Poland, officially World War II begun. The United States did not enter the war until Japan, who was crippled energy wise from the US/Japan embargo, launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in an effort to knock out the U.S.'s navy in one fell swoop. The U.S. declared war on Japan and due to the web of alliances (the Axis), Germany declared war on the United States thus entering the US into both the European and Pacific theaters.

thats funny, when I lived in the U.S. I met MANY people that claim the civil war to still be waging today.
Can you comprehend that? Think about it hard

Who the hell are you talking to? Dumb people thats who. Maybe that is where you get your information.

Not ALL over the world. And shit, the U.S. caused that depression like they are causing the recession that is happening now!

Okay, not ALL over the world if you want to count non civilized countries. But everyone with an economy felt the Great Depression. The United States farming output was severely hit by a natural disaster called The Dust Bowl which displaced hundreds of thousands of people. This hurt the economy was well as the overspending in the Roaring 20's. However the U.S. was not the only one to have over stressed the global economy in the 30's. Most heavy industry nations were in an economic decline.

The french didnt get you into anything you lying sack of shit. The U.S. could have pulled out at any time (like maybe when people were in uprise about it) but they REFUSED to. Big difference.

Oh yes they did, silly chuck.

Everyone after World War II forfeited their territories around the world. Everyone except France, they kept theres and mostly lost them too. The non-communist French owned the State of Vietnam from 1858. The First Indochina War was between France and Vietnam. After being pushed out the French requested first our air support, which was given by Kennedy (democrat). Also, communism was pushing into Vietnam and the U.S. fighting the Cold War made it a priority to halt global communism, and thus launching us into the Vietnam War.

And FYI you undereducated ignorant prick, France French and Quebec French are totally different. And no, not half, not even close.

Getting a temper there chucky? Of course I acknowledge there is a difference in France french and Canada french. The only thing worse than a Frenchman is a French Canadian.

All you are is a big shit-talker, fuck you homeboy, U.S. is a shit hole compared to Canada,, and I know this from Living in both over 20 years a piece.

Your the shit talker here, chucky.

I love seeing you get so mad.

YouTube - Canada Sucks

Oh ya, fuck you too.

Honestly, I now have family living in Canada, I don't mind them really. Its the U.S. hating ignorant stupid preteens who know NOTHING of history yet talk a big game piss me off.

And that just shows how fucking stupid you are

Oh the irony. Can you list me, even 5, of the policies Bush has enacted? How about his economic plans (shot down by democrats), healthcare, social security, energy plans, ect that he has done, that were actually brilliant ideas but Congress is so liberal and anti-Bush they will veto everything just out of spite. Petty. Like you.

This once agains shows how fucking stupid you are. Canada has one of the largest industries of forestry,, much larger than the U.S.
We also have a tonn of untapped oil in albetra. Citizens there dont even pay provincial taxes the province is doing so well!
We also have the largest fresh water supply in the world!

Cool. You got trees. I guess that makes Canada the greatest. Wait..

We have alot of oil too. We just aren't allowed to tap into it cause of the liberals. Do you see where I am going with this argument? (and you are on the same level of importance as Jamaica, get over it)

I'd say thats power. We just know not to abuse it. That way we dont have people blowing up our buildings.
Makes sense. Dont piss other countries off, dont get blown up.

Thats not power. You don't have power. Because you don't have power, you don't have an opportunity to misuse it. Unfortunately, we have made some mistakes and wrong choices but this country is still great.

Do you think the U.S. is the only one to have been hit by terrorist attacks, in the last 10 years even? Because we are so big and mean and everyone hates us. Think again, idiot. Do some research and find out all the embassies, official buildings, and subways that have been bombed by terrorists.

So do I. And I see a history of a country fucking up time after time. Still havent learned either.

Obviously you don't. You love to argue for the sake of arguing. I know my history, you aren't going to win this one with me, junior.

Iraq had to be done. U.N. wasn't going to do it, after 10 years of threatening, negotiating, and pleading, didn't do anything about Saddam and his weapons program. Also, Iraq continually broke the cease fire treaties from the first Gulf War by shooting SAM missiles at non-military American aircrafts. Should we just ignore that shit?

Soon to be added to the big list of blunders in the U.S. history book.

Just adding another victory to the countless others.

You are getting desperate I see. Splitting hairs I see. Ha okay....... but rome would LEVEL THE U.S. in current times. All I am saying.

No they wouldn't. You are comparing Apples to Oranges. Rome isn't going to take of the U.S. with their praetorian guard. And if Rome was allowed to continue into modern day you have...ITALY!! Rome was powerful in 200 B.C. we are powerful 1949-present.

We can safely say the U.S. is more powerful than Rome by our world presence and technology.

and you can also go to just about any country and be hated.
Canada can go to just about any country and.. well.. not be hated.

This is your only argument. Fine, if you want to be popular then whatever makes you happy. I don't give a flying fuck how other people view the U.S.. I can still sleep at night. Jealous haters..

Hope you learn something from this Chuck and think twice before opening your mouth and proving to everyone you are an idiot.
haha,, good job finding that video

shows how dedicated you are to being a loser

look, i bet it's you who is going on my threads an tagging them with the bullshit you do...

just go to show how dickless you are Zen, and the others like you

its funny how U.S.A. ranks 30th for life expectancy and how Canada ranks 8th. And we have this FUCKIng cold weather! But I guess it is easier to live in a better country no matter how cold it is.

Whats happeneing to your economy Zen?

its going to shit

and i dont wonder why
you are one straight up loser Zen

You can write and write all you want. But all it is is ways for you to say "you is dumb". You have no argument but that america is the greatest because you say it is and apparently the bloody, racist, sexist, evil past.. and present.

You have no clue what you are talking about.. you watch cartoons like southpark,, dont be calling me junior

fucking daffodil :finger:

haha,, good job finding that video

shows how dedicated you are to being a loser

look, i bet it's you who is going on my threads an tagging them with the bullshit you do...

just go to show how dickless you are Zen, and the others like you

its funny how U.S.A. ranks 30th for life expectancy and how Canada ranks 8th. And we have this FUCKIng cold weather! But I guess it is easier to live in a better country no matter how cold it is.

Whats happeneing to your economy Zen?

its going to shit

and i dont wonder why

I don't know what you mean by tagging your threads. If you mean dishing out negative rep I believe I may have given out one negative rep my entire stay on RIU. And it wasn't you.

I've seen that episode of Family Guy countless times and I figured youtube would have the scene I was looking for. Sure enough I was correct.

Oh boy, your hellhole has higher life expectancy. That would be a curse more than anything.. Living longer in that place.

So by conveniently ignoring all the points I made and just shooting your mouth off at our economy, I assume you are done.

Keep your American hating shit talk on leash.

Grow up, kid.
you are one straight up loser Zen

You can write and write all you want. But all it is is ways for you to say "you is dumb". You have no argument but that america is the greatest because you say it is and apparently the bloody, racist, sexist, evil past.. and present.

You have no clue what you are talking about.. you watch cartoons like southpark,, dont be calling me junior

fucking daffodil :finger:


Sorry, junior.

You asked questions and I answered them. I've asked questions and you ignore them. You're done. Do not embarrass yourself further, Canadians themselves might start disowning you.


Oh, and thank you for the negative rep. JUNIOR
I've seen that episode of Family Guy countless times and I figured youtube would have the scene I was looking for.

I think you watch too many cartoons boy,, your mind is fried

You live in America, Good for you. A lot of the people are great, and you are not one of them.
clearly you are so in fear of a country much more superior than your own that you make up shit left and right to try and prove your silly point. America spends all your hard earned dollars on killing machines. The world is advancing and the U.S. will be left behind.
Good luck fuckers

Im still waiting to hear why the whole world hates America. i mean even I, a former American hates America. Isnt that a little fucked up?

When I was a boy i was like Zen here. blinded by patriotism and ignorance. America was the biggest and the baddest.

But, its just a bunch of horse shit.

i mean you pussies cant even "control" iraq.


how sad is that?

Zen if you want to talk then man the fuck up and stop beating your gums like a goddamn slack-jawed yokel.
I know its hard to concentrate with all those cartoons you watch. but try...