U.S. Constitution

You two should join ranks with our illustrious Med.

I don't need to join ranks with anyone. I can fight this fight alone if I have to. My words are more powerful than an army of a billion.
He has the same warped view of salespeople as you do.I've been in the people business for over 40 years now. That's my job ... meeting people and helping them get what they want.

We are not the only ones Vi. I know its hard to hear but the career you have chosen is useless in society. People don't need to be told what they want. You don't deserve the money you make.
Whenever I am doing work for someone who is planning on flipping a house the first thing i tell them is to NOT hire a real estate salesman. I know enough about property and house value from doing what I do and I can comment on the quality of a house MUCH better than any salesman could.
And guess what? I help them for free to sell their house. Why? Because to doensnt take any ACTUAL work to sell a house. If a house is right for someone they will know.

Now, for a more human political conversation and debate, why don't you two dispense with the personal attacks for a welcome change?


Its hard to do that when you are a walking target. You came on here and shot your big mouth off so now you have to hear what we have to say about you. If you dont like it well then just dont come around.

Or put me back on block,, still don't know why you ever took me off. I am always going to be saying things that you are not going to like. Deal with it.
Vi is in real estate? Well fuck me a runnin, like there's no lying cheating or stealing going on in that business. *cough, hack, choke*

you know, it is soooo funny that you say this! I am in car business and there are no more liers and cheaters in my business, right? well, not all car dealer are crooks, but the bad ones actually make us good ones look damn good.

I have met several wealthy people, not uber rich or elite, but they are damn nice. Now, the richest guy in the county is an arrogant prick, but that is one guy out of a hundred.

I will say the medical industry has my ire with there 2 dollar aspirin and $160
pills they charge my insurance company, which raises my premium. but ya know what? Americans are FUCKING GREEDY and want everything on the cheap and what people not in business doesn't understand that if your product is not selling because it is too expensive, and the consumers are buying goods at a cheaper price from your competitor, and your competitor make his product in mexico, you must make product in mexico to compete.

American need to take a long look in the mirror before blaming everyone else for their problems. You want cheap products and high pay. well, thats what happens.

The american people are as much to blame as the big bad corporation for jobs being sent overseas!

not every large bank account has skeletons in it. that is a blanket statement and is not "race" related, but "class" related prejudice. I can understand someone struggling not meeting the bills, but not free handouts for all the lazy bums in this world.

most people in this world are just plain ignorant and think they know it all. well my friends, the smartest man knows he doesn't know everything(or woman).

Wealth redistribution is WRONG!

Taxes were emant to fund the goverment, not to give lazy bums a free handout. no one really remembers history, hell, most people forgot we got bombed on 9/11...
My words are more powerful than an army of a billion.
Like those words you used to "PROVE" that the U.S. Constitution is flawed?

Oh wait...That's right...You never could come up with anything coherent other than babbling insults. :lol:

One more thing...Out of all those "thousands" of lawyers you met, were any of them lawyers that practiced constitutional law or were they all criminal defense attorneys? :lol:
Oh yeah ... well fuck you too. :lol:


easy old man. if you are going to just shoot out fuck you's to everyone I can take this to a whole new level. I got a lot more to say to you, i am just trying to be nice. But the more you stick your nose around here the more i will tear into everything you stand for.

im gonna cut you right down to size Vi.

Go back and look at the threads where we have crossed paths. look how i make a fool of you. you disappear afterwards and show up a week or so later on another one of my threads shooting off your mouth saying "fuck you" to everybody who can see that you are a goof!

I think you are just jealous I dont come on your lousy threads.

In fact, most of your threads start out with some bullshit copy and paste. Thats great Vi, you can take other peoples ideas, opinions and beliefs and start conversation with them. I hope you hear the sarcasm
Yes he does do that doesn't he? He says things and when he's called out he insists he didn't say that. But hey, I'm bored so I'll keep his blood pressure up, no big deal.

easy old man. if you are going to just shoot out fuck you's to everyone I can take this to a whole new level. I got a lot more to say to you, i am just trying to be nice. But the more you stick your nose around here the more i will tear into everything you stand for.

im gonna cut you right down to size Vi.

Go back and look at the threads where we have crossed paths. look how i make a fool of you. you disappear afterwards and show up a week or so later on another one of my threads shooting off your mouth saying "fuck you" to everybody who can see that you are a goof!

I think you are just jealous I dont come on your lousy threads.

In fact, most of your threads start out with some bullshit copy and paste. Thats great Vi, you can take other peoples ideas, opinions and beliefs and start conversation with them. I hope you hear the sarcasm
It was said before and ignored, so I shall bring it to light again.

The system is fine. Its balanced and so far the best thing to have ever arose in any civilization. We just have the wrong people turning the gears, and the problem is, alot of people don't know, or worse- care.

A better form of government is only achievable in theory.
Go back and look at the threads where we have crossed paths. look how i make a fool of you.

Your manic delusions of grandeur, and your rabid outbursts of rage, leads me to believe that you suffer from an extreme bipolar condition. Are you off of your meds? bongsmilie
