!!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

First post and first time grower to boot. In the UK and trying my hand with feminized seeds I've had in the fridge for months (Cinnamon - maybe not best choice but all I could get / afford at the time). Very limited resources, virtually non-existent setup. Will just see what happens.

Planted four seeds in soil in 4" pots, all popped and now 1 1/2 weeks old, about 5" and healthy (my avatar is actual pic). Each has two pairs of large leaves, with lots of little leaves protruding from main cluster. Unfortunately the stems stretched a little, but I sussed out why (too far from light source during the night) and sorted, so only stretched below cotyls, no stretching between nodes. They are outside all day every day in sun (long may it last), and breeze is toughening up the stems, although they are still pretty thin and leaning a lot.

Am thinking of transplanting soon, and when I do I'll bury them almost up to the armpits as I've seen recommended on this board. That will obviously stop the leaning, and should help to thicken up the stems and produce bigger root balls if I've understood correctly.

Am interested if any UK growers are nurturing their ladies outdoors and, if so, what strains work well, how long for flowering, when ready for harvest and are yields any way decent? Any advice appreciated - great to be part of this excellent resource :wink:

Grow well,
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Active Member
WaS wondering if you could advise again- light has come on today after 12 hours, have gone to feed and have noticed miniscule pale yellow mites in the bottom of the trays and also some root growing through even though they are in 8 inch pots, none of this was here yesterday, I have cleaned out the trays and fed-hopefully this will help, have now closed the door for the night-any advice would be greatly appreciated
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Well-Known Member
Sorry are you in soil or hydro? Simply need bigger pots im afraid. I have roots coming out of the bottom of my pots as well unfortunately i cant fit bigger pots in my grow op. It may stunt growth a bit but i dont mind that as im running out of room! lol As for the mites im not sure what they are, in fact i dont know much about pests other than how to kill them. Buy some pest killer from a local store, i used "Provado" but im not sure if you can get that where you live. Anyway yeah shouldnt be too hard to get rid of the with some spray just make sure its for plants, and obviously if its organic then all the better :)


Active Member
same here in 8 inch pots as it is and room is VERY limited, I am growing in soil,
I dont really want to use any spays to kill bugs-I do have some knat off which is organic - not sure if this would be ok?, it is just strange that they appeared today, not on the plants but in the soil bits in the bottom of the tray,
is it ok that I do not change the pots - will the roots growing out the bottom affect the grow-many thanks


Well-Known Member
Its worth a shot? Im not entirely sure how much it will affect the plant. I dont think it will cause much of a problem apart from perhaps slower growth/ limited growth. Bare in mind this is my first grow as well so im hoping for the best with my root situation lol. I only have 10/11 weeks left thought it seems ok for now so hopefully itl be alright until chop! Im not sure what size my plant pots are to be honest..


Well-Known Member
Err, I thought this was a thread about UK members. Am I wrong? If not, then why not start a new thread to sort out your problems or PM each other you two.

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Active Member
yes I am a uk member,
would just like to know if i am posting my questions properly,do I have to do them on a certain part of this website to ask questions? new to this forum so not sure if I am posting in the right place,so sorry if I've offended anyone.
Gigglepimp - thanks for the advice, hope Ive not put you out, you have been very helpful, I do have a book but some questions just can't be answered, I suppose we just have to learn as we go along! will give you a shout if anymore problems-thankyou


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I didn't mean to pee anyone off. If you have a particular growing problem there are specific forums for that. I thought this thread was all about "ANY UK GROWERS IN DA HOUSE?". As it is you are hijacking it, and the whole point of the thread is getting lost. Just tell me to go fuck myself if I'm being a pain in the ass.

And "Hell Yeah .. I'm in the UK!!!" Anyone else?

Grow well,
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Well-Known Member
Sorry mate i just thought id lend a hand as i could do here. I should have PM'd him my bad. I just thought rather answer it here than set up another thread in the newbie section which may be ignored. Anyway my bad.

Anyway just read your post again above, is cinnamon a strain? Ive never heard of it but if it is sounds lush lol Keeping your girls outside in the day will definetly help their stems and CO2 levels :) Are you goin to be transplanting outside permanently? I'm really interested in seeing results in growing outside in the UK.

Keep up the good work



Well-Known Member

Flowering period
: 9 weeks
Yield: Medium , maximum possible
Harvest outdoors: Mid october.
Type: 95% tamed sativa

Spicy and very high in quality !

For sativa lovers, we chose one with a cinnamon smell and exceptional buzz. Based on a rare Jack H. pheno-type. Can be put under 12/12 hrs after one week. Maximum yields indoors are possible, by putting the best flowering individuals together (6-7 out of 10). Please note they do reach height! (approx. 1,5m) Perfect performance outdoors amongst orange or olive trees.

Don't know how they'll do, they were the only feminized
available when I bought them which even mentioned "outdoors". Can't grow them in the house so yes, I intend putting them outside permanently very shortly. Have a nice sheltered spot which gets sun pretty much all day. Can't see me getting a great yield, but worth the experiment anyhow. Thinking of starting another batch of quick flowerers also to go outside - considering "Maroc" or "Purple Power" as, again, they are available and suitable for outdoors. Will keep you posted on how I get on.

PS. You are quite right to post answers in an open forum as opposed to in a PM as then everyone can benefit from your wisdom. Sorry for being so touchy - no weed and too much vodka :-( (no substitute).


Well-Known Member
Awesome have you got a journal? Should set one up if you havent. I'd like to see how they do outdoors as i wanted to do mine outdoors but didnt want to risk it incase they didnt handle the temp very well. I guess if you put them in as soon as you do then they might not suffer so bad from shock :)

No worries mate i know whats it like to be like that lol plus i did kind of hijack the thread lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah you have to know people lol and i dont even live in anywhere with a high population. I think its 11,000 where i live... Pretty crap but every now and again you get some good stuff. Pricey though hence why i joined this website :)


Well-Known Member
Wales aye, i spend many a day in Camarthen in my time.. Am in love with the south-east though.