Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?


Well-Known Member
Dude, it's all over u-tube. Trump stood at the podium and said they were fine people. He also said the people who defended themselves when the goons defeated police safety protocols to keep the groups separate violent people. It's impossible that you don't know this. It's impossible for you to say this without showing yourself, like Trump, to be a liar.
He was talking about the people on both sides of the statue argument.


Well-Known Member
He was talking about the people on both sides of the statue argument.
Only one side was responsible for the violence that day and the other side was not. He called the perpetrators very fine people. Also, the demonstrators were not there to defend the statue. That was very clear from transcripts of their pre-trip planning. They came to Charlottesville to bust heads. They openly planned doing so. Trump called them very fine people and the KKK loved him for it. The only part of that statement that was true is there were very fine people opposing the fascists.