Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?


Well-Known Member
That is a lie that has been repeated over and over. He was talking about people on both sides of the statue argument.
Yes, he did and by doing so he called the right wing goons who came to Charlottseville to commit acts of violence were fine people. Trump was defending the people responsible for all the violence on that day.

Now, don't go embarrassing me and you by claiming those right wingers came there for a peaceful protest. There have been successful prosecutions against right wing goons where they tried to use that defense. The prosecution pulled up their very own posts on social media where they said beforehand that they intended violence. Also used as evidence against those goons, on the Saturday when the murder went down, those right wing goons -- that Trump called very fine people -- very clearly defeated previously arranged and agreed upon safety measures they had made with the police to keep them away from anti-fascist protesters. Once the fascists got into the crowd of protesters those opposing the right wingers were clearly entitled to defend themselves. So, please don't deny that the violence wasn't planned from the beginning by the right wing goons that Trump said were very fine people. All the violence, all of the damage, all of the hospitalizations and death on that day was due to pre-mediated violence by the right wing goons that Trump said were "very fine people".

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
I know you hate reality but Rand Paul literally tweeted that out

Then he spent 4th of July in Russia because he’s a tyrannical traitor
Rand Paul is another scum bag lining his pockets, trying to introduce national right to work legislation. Claiming to be a libertarian while actively attempting to destroy the peoples right to assembly and free speech


Well-Known Member
No he did not, liar.
Dude, it's all over u-tube. Trump stood at the podium and said they were fine people. He also said the people who defended themselves when the goons defeated police safety protocols to keep the groups separate violent people. It's impossible that you don't know this. It's impossible for you to say this without showing yourself, like Trump, to be a liar.