Two tents A lot of weed!

That's awesome man, a friend with beans is a friend indeed. I believe fate has brought you together with the box. Do you guys take turns with the box itself? Like lord Stanley's cup?
That’s great idea I should tell him we should do that lol. We just split the beans down the middle randomly but imma buy another box I think
Honestly forget what day it is lol but one’s doing good and ones burnt so I flushed the burnt one with ph to 5.8 tap water. Imma switch back to Gaia green for my feeding schedule I had good luck with them in the past and on my outdoor I’ll also mix in coast on main stonington as a base. Don’t like liquid shit i burnt herimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
Mixed this soil hotter then I usually do to see how they do in A stoneington blend mix.image.jpg
Definitely got some burn I mean I mixed it hotttt lmao live an learns theyll get used to it
Vega tents doing good looks to me like they’re settling in now!! Couple of them didn’t like the heavy coast of main lol just two 16oz cups mixed with a little more then what’s in these 3gal pots. Tap water set out for two days ph at 5.8. Topped the other day figures get all the stress out with the transplant was a couple days after transplant though!IMG_1325.jpegIMG_1326.jpegIMG_1327.jpeg
Don’t mind the humidity I’m busy and tan outta distilled!IMG_1328.jpeg
The flush definitely helped I feel!image.jpg
Definitely need risers so the runoff isn’t sucked into the other plants image.jpgimage.jpg
Imma give it a week or so then give them some coast of Maine if the continue to yellow. But I imagine these girls are chalked full of the wrong foods when I miss Oswald the linguine shit i got. I might try the liquids grow fertilizer in my hydro cloner I noticed they like light grow food for cloning in the ez cloner.
Things chug along can’t wait to chop these girls and flips the others so I can super clean it all but imma give my 32x32 to a friend and buy a vivo sun 3x3 like my flower tent just square. I like the quality no light leaks and cord flap. Just phd water to 5.8 for the veg nothing for the flower tent. I swapped one of the oscillating fans to the veg and put the non in the flower under the canapy.IMG_1337.jpegIMG_1340.jpegIMG_1341.jpegIMG_1342.jpegIMG_1344.jpeg
There doing good pinched a tall one my experience the taller ones turn out to be males so we will see either way gonna lay until the girls are done an dryed before they go into the scrog. Got different trays to try but they don’t have wire centers and sense I use fabric pits they sag in the middle so imma go to homedepot to get something else tomorrow. It did help though I put a gallon through the flowering one on the left and most ran off good when I bent the wire wreath holder more. They might work goo for 5gal potsimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg