Two Part Closet Grow. First Time. INPUT (Welcome/Encourage)

Ive been lurking and reading a lot the past couple months, and as i was moving into my new place i decided to give it a shot. I decided to have both a flower and vegging side to my closet instead of just one large area to try and get a harvest every 2 months.

Nutrients: Fox Farms (Main 3 For Now, Thinking about adding the 3 optionals)

4 x 2in. Passive Intakes (Can Points fans into them to cool room another 5 degrees if needed)
1 x 4in. exhaust fan (pulls through the center of the hood)
Home-Made hood with reflective tape
4 x 50w Actual 6500 CFLs
4 x 23w Actual 2700 CFLs
2 x DIY BB
1 x 140 Gallon Air Pump
2 x 4in Air Stone (1 per bucket)

Light is Let to 18/6 With The Exhaust Fan on When Light is on.
Small Desk Fan & Air Pump on 24/7

Nutrients: Have Them in around 100ppm of Big Bloom & Grow Big for first week til i see roots, then going to increase to 300-400??? Your input is welcome here.

PH: Water was 5.8 when i put it in now its 6.0 but not changing. should i add a little ph down to get it back to 5.8 or leave it. (i have the waterproof series ph/ppm meter)

Room Temp Is 78-83 Light On, 70-80 Light off.

Water is never over 77 F. Any input to this? seems a little high. whats a number to shoot for? 68 F?

Air Circulation: The fan is a moddified stanley unit that i hooked up a 6 inch T and then ran to the top of both the rooms. from there i put a 4 inch hole and a 4 inch adapter on the inside of the room which pulls air through both hoods. All the air that is sucked through the hood is blown out under the house. New fresh air comes through the passive intakes from my room which has 2 large windows pointing towards the front of the house that i leave open during the day, and sometimes at night. (gets a little too cold at night for me)

Flowering: Will type it up later and when/if these girls make it there. But i will be using a 400w HPS FYI.

Clones: I have 1 Purple Bubble Kush, and 1 Kryptonite.

Purple Kush is going good, thick stem and seems fine. dark green and healthy looking

Krytonite is droopy and has thin stems. couple burnt spots from light too close so i moved it a little further away to try and get the leaves facing up. Any inputs? the leaves are lighter and feel thinner. cut one brach because it was sagging so bad and eventually curled and was dieing.

Picks Up in a couple mins (lost the camera cord in the move, going to Bestbuy today and will have them up by tonight)
ok so i got a lot done today, new water, new nuet mix... 1/4 strength of the grow big and big bloom... water is RO.

got a 1.5 inch foam board and then covered it in aluminum tape. dropped temps in the lower area to 75F which means my water should be slightly lower i hope tmrw morning. already went down to 74 in an hour so im hoping for high 60s. :eyesmoke:

also bent the kush down and to the side to start training it to grow in a circle cause i have limited vertical room... 4ft.-ish total height after flower.

also am having a lil isue with the kryptonite so im hoping it changes in the next couple days... he is starting to purk up though.

any input is welcome and appreciated





damn mate, those ladies are tore up form the floor up... the need some serious attention to detail right now if their gonna come out of it strong........ Three things to remember. Indoor Marijuana grows best between 72-78 degrees F. That and you appear to be cloning or just about to start the vegetation cycle of life on those pretty sickly plants. So, second rule get the heck away from what appears to be your plants growing temp inside that grow box is reading 104. 104 really??? So, pardon me for being a little sarcastice when I tell you that your not gonna get didly outta those babies besides a little bit of mulch for you cactus box.... Now, to get serious... cool that room down to the temps I mentioned before and keep those cfl up above 4 inches of the top leaves of the plant. That way their won't be any issues w/burning and this will allow for them to transpire all the water the need to while you're bringing the temp back down to a descent #. Next, if your still reading this overly written answer to a question.... give them a little chance to catch up.... if within 4-6 days their not standing up and trying to reach for the light. Pitch'm and start again w/new.. Once a plant is overstressed anyways they become succeptable to all kinds of bad things. Good luck though and let us know how it went ok
updated pictures coming tonight,
-kryptonite is turning around and perking up but still not showing roots through the net.
-Bubble Kush is doing fine and showing lots of new growth, but still no roots through the net pot...

its been 7 days sense i got them from the club. any input on the roots? thought i would see some by now.


ok finally got the pictures on my comp....

both plants have shown roots through the pots... there around an inch long or so.
got the water temps down to 72ish during the day and around 70ish at night thanks to that foam insulation.


i am seriously thinking of investing in a 250W Metal Halide fixture for my vegging side... any input on this would be appreciated.

I'm looking at the 250W Lumitec Ballast with a CMH bulb and a 6in cool tube. seeing as that is all that will fit probably.