Twisting and Drooping


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning, had a look, and found that two of my plants were twisting and drooping.

about 4 weeks into veg
Happy Frog
about 1/4 dose of CalMag with watering
no other nutes
7.5ph in (just got ph pen up and running)/haven't measured runoff yet
it got up to about 96F in the tent yesterday (it's currently in the attic, so it's more variable than is ideal)
QB 288 V2 135w running at around 75-80% about 18" above canopy

First pic Peak Seeds Texada Skunk, second is the Skunkberry. The other one in the group pic is GSC.

To be fair, the SB has always had a twist to those first leaves. But the twist in the newer growth and in the TS seemed to emerge overnight. I took these pics after work... looks better than this morning. Current temp 70F.

Watered a bit on Friday. Saturday they looked good, even right before lights out. Sunday they looked droopy, and the pots felt light, so i gave them a bit. I haven't been doing a proper dry/wet cycle watering to run-off yet, because they've only been in these pots for about a week; I wanted them to establish a bit before i really soaked them.

My guess is this i due to the alkaline water (i think I also might be getting a bit of nute lockout on the GSC, as its growth seems a bit stunted compared to the others). I just picked up some ph down yesterday afternoon, and will properly ph from here out.

But thought, maybe heat stress? Possible over watering? Maybe windburn (6" fan on low, not oscillating)?

Any feedback would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Looking around at Ph symptoms, and I'm not seeing anything that really looks like this. I'm thinking it looks more like heat stress. But it barely got above 70f in the tent yesterday, and no clear signs of imminent recovery.

It did drop a bit below 70f. Too cold?

Any ideas? (here's the TS this morning)
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Well-Known Member
This morning was really the first chance I've had to spend some time on it. As of this morning the TS was still looking a bit rough, but the SB had bounced back a bit.

PHed my water to 6.3 (which I realize is a bit low for soil... but I also learned that Ph Down is stronger and more finicky than I thought).

Watered to run-off/light flushed. Run-off measured at about 6.5.

We'll see.


Well-Known Member
Watch that you're not overwatering too, kinda looks like it to me.

If you've seen improvement adjusting the ph, i won't say not to. I will say though, that if it's good soil that ph shouldn't be a concern at all.

How often are you watering? Watering to runoff?


Well-Known Member
It definitely occurred that that might be a problem. I was being a bit tentative about watering to run-off right after I transplanted (up-potted).

But that was one of the confusing things... when I watered on Sunday it was because the were droopy AND the pot felt light, then it was the next day that the problem emerged.

They're looking a lot better this evening.