I got two plants from one CBD Nordle Seed. Honestly, I had no idea plants could have "twins". Is this common? Not so Common? The picture sucks a little, but you can see Bubbles, the smaller twin on the left, and Babs, the big girl on the right.
When mine popped three I was able to separate one of them but the other too were fused together into one tap root. Two of them eventually died but the single one turned into a beautiful plant! How's the weather back east?
The eastern US must be a very beautiful place to put up with weather like that al winter? I have always wanted to take a fall drive around NE US when the trees are in full color. Is the fall up there a beautiful as it seems? During are fall the redwoods turn from green to reddish green not very exciting kind of dull. On the bright side the air is fresh with the smell of ripe MJ everywhere!!!
Its nothing like your fall but these are from a while back near my home. A fall sunset and a local high mountain lake full of rainbow trout. It sit right in the middle of bigfoot country on an old Indian village there's kind of sense of calm when your there.
Well I guess its time to start the day smoked way too much blue dream this morning! I seem to have lost the last 3 hrs between Christmas shopping on amazon and getting lost in RIU. Oh well!! I guess it could be worse I could be out of MJ!. That will never happen! Enjoy the rest of your weekend Star!
So far so good. One is smaller, but still growing. Two separate roots. I used a feminized seed.
As for the weather, it's freaking FREEZING, with a light dusting of snow.