Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters
Ok I give up then with no answer to my question why attack tweed? of coarse I want them to succeed my whole family lives there it give them an opportunity for work and brings money to the town.
So enlighten me then. How is tweed an evil company? I will buy their stock. Well see I guess. I still don't understand why hate on a company? I guess I am a dick cause I don't get it?

Larry is funny you are not TWEED. First you send Ron Burundy then you send your green thumb grower disguised as Larry. You have no master grower. You have never grown anything acceptable ever. There is nothing good about Tweed as this thread indicates. Irradiated cannabis is not medicine. As I said already if medical was Tweed`s focus then CBD would have been first out of the gates. Actions speak louder than words. Thanks for keeping this thread alive and digging a bigger hole for Tweed to climb out of.
I don't have anything to do with tweed. Tweed doesn't need my help from what I see they are doing alright in their own. And its been two days with nothing intelligent said about why you think tweed is so bad. There medicine is not irradiated only certain strains I've read about it. And also studied irradiation. I bet you ate an irradiated fruit ir vegetable in the past week sorry to tell you. Ill leave you guys to you're wrongly focused hatred have fun with that.
." Ill leave you guys to you're wrongly focused hatred have fun with that."

Thank you, greatly appreciated. Your humorous distraction was somewhat amusing but has become tiresome.
Finally you figured out you are digging the grave by keeping this thread alive. Goodbye Racist Tweed. Keep standing by that Cold Pasturization. It only makes you look guilty. Hating the non Canadian people of this world. Ignorant
Larry is funny you are not TWEED. First you send Ron Burundy then you send your green thumb grower disguised as Larry. You have no master grower. You have never grown anything acceptable ever. There is nothing good about Tweed as this thread indicates. Irradiated cannabis is not medicine. As I said already if medical was Tweed`s focus then CBD would have been first out of the gates. Actions speak louder than words. Thanks for keeping this thread alive and digging a bigger hole for Tweed to climb out of.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo snap
"Stock price is up btw"

Not for long my friend ....not for long.
Even rats know when to leave a sinking ship.
Investors are learning who they should be listening to as well. Nothing wrong with swaying millions away from businesses with Pharma type attitudes. Truth hurts.
There are far better ways to make a buck than following rats. It's too bad you can't see that ....

blinded by green ;)



funny stuff GM
518,000 sq ft total growing space and 15,000 kg of crap. Holy fuck, they are having one helluva pipe dream. They can't even get, what, 10 strains off the ground and out the door. So the take overs are starting one year after the change. Well that didn't take very long eh? They've obviously got money to burn or someone more smart than me backing them up. I just don't get it.
518,000 sq ft total growing space and 15,000 kg of crap. Holy fuck, they are having one helluva pipe dream. They can't even get, what, 10 strains off the ground and out the door. So the take overs are starting one year after the change. Well that didn't take very long eh? They've obviously got money to burn or someone more smart than me backing them up. I just don't get it.

I wouldn't be so generous as to call them smarter. Look at their results after all is said and done.
"Stock price is up btw"

Not for long my friend ....not for long.
Even rats know when to leave a sinking ship.
Investors are learning who they should be listening to as well. Nothing wrong with swaying millions away from businesses with Pharma type attitudes. Truth hurts.
There are far better ways to make a buck than following rats. It's too bad you can't see that ....

blinded by green ;)



funny stuff GM

No kidding, their stocks have been consistently dropping a few cents a day and is already lower than the purchase price offered to investors. OH, and the Q1 loss of between 2-3million. So yeah, one can talk all day about their company and how great it is or GOING to be. But if all that is being done BEFORE any product has shipped(i.e stocks, expansion ideas) AND your first 2 shipments are GARBAGE and irradiated then don't ya think that's a red flag? People need to quit looking at what Tweed is PROMISING on paper and look at what they're DELIVERING in reality because anyone doing otherwise is simply ignoring what is blatantly staring them in the face. All show, no go.

And FFS people give up on this whole stepping stone to legalization, this is NOW. Not speculations of what the future holds, this is what patients have to put up with TODAY. Some patients don't have the luxury of sitting around and waiting for LP's to learn to do something properly. Personal health does not wait for trial and error on the LP's behalf.
Everyone chill out people are allowed to have different opinions.

People want to retain their own grow rights. That shouldn't need one single bit of explantion. That way they can get their medicine affordably and know exactly what goes into. Maybe we shld yank your rights to your own vegetable lawn garden... how would that feel you smuck? I'd rather see little portions total business spread between 1000's of small growers to make a little spare change than just a few conglomerates that usurp all the business available. Walmart type big box stores have no soul and steamroll over mom and pop.

Does that explanation help you to understand at all Larry David? If not, than you're just a sad example of a shill for these god awful commercial operations.
You say that tweed is greedy you must be one if those people that lost theirlittle legal home grow. so whose the real greedy one?
Great post. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but uneducated, ignorant and ill-informed ones will be pointed out as such. If you are not even a patient, why are you spamming the Canadian patient section of the forums Greenthumbz? You obviously know next to nothing about the MMPR system or Tweed in general.

Patients wanting to grow their own medicine to treat themselves and the ones they love are greedy......that's a new one.
Please don't leave your country anymore...even on the internet.

If your so right...then why does everyone else think you so wrong?
Did you ever wonder that?
Just cause your from Smith Falls doesn't mean you understand the situation.
Tweed can's just that most folks don't need them. They are banking on legalization which is whole other subject.
Anyway with as many folks here trying to set you straight and you still don't get it must mean, you are brain damamged.
Yes your entitled to your opinion....It's just that no one here agree's
Now stop spewing your verbal diarrhea before someone here get the runs from reading your stupid dribble.
If I'm think I'm gonna read a post of yours, I always put on my depends in case I catch what you got.