Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
The statements you make, when applied to almost any other industry, make no sense.
Give your head a shake. Just because it's in Canada doesn't make it good or worth investing in.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
If there is something wrong with their weed I assume they will fix the problem like any other company. They will eventually get it right .would you rather buy your weed from China aswell
Holy fuck buddy...something short circuited in your thinking machine.
Holy sheet are you new around here or what. Is that you in your sig pic? Cause I can see the swelling has become more that than you can handle
China wtf !


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with my thinking?

We have a huge company with money that has it's own interests even if they are money to invest in cannabis research. Politicians who stand a chance to make money too who will push for legalization. Jobs for Canadians. Cannabis delivered to your door when you are sick. When did your local dealer ever give money for research or education? What's wrong with your thinking?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Hippy, you're talking so much sense lately it's confusing me.
I ran outta white lightning and my thinking seems to be coming back.
Actually I'm a SC Justice and this is my hobby.....Actually I'm really a Gynecologist on my lunch hour
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Well-Known Member
fuck the tripe....bullshit breeds more bullshit...I trust my yard and my skill...not some businessman who couldn't grow his own lawn....fuck off!!!!!

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
ya..what that guys say....fuck the tripe...and anything else that looks like i'm gittin wurked up....
and so is me old ma
and my 2 brothers
and my girlfriend.....bubba


Well-Known Member
Pretty soon cannabis is going to be imported into canada like any other commodity. Why not support the canada companies? Nothing is going to stop people from making millions from this n I'd rather it be here.


Well-Known Member
Japan lets only 15000 cars imported into to country and guess what they all buy locally made vehicles. But ya im the idiot right?? Because I don't hate big business the man is bring me down oh yhe government is going to get me. Is that the shit that goes on here