Turntable for equal light?

As someone who grows vertically a lot of the time, I would advise it is really not necessary. But if you feel the need it probably won't hurt. Just don't think it will help very much.
Good luck friend!
Actually thought about this idea myself once after a long solo sesh of strawberry sour diesel. Had the idea after buying one of those Christmas trees that spin around to decorate easier. You would need a turntable geared down with enough torque to spin heavy plant containers very slowly. Maybe a large diameter to put several plants on.
What would be cool is a planter itself, something like a SIP, that rotates at very slow speed. Possibly even solar powered w/battery back up so there’s no plug to trip over. You heard it here first on RIU folks; get your spinning SIPs coming soon. Patents pending...
I’m not sure it would even get much more light exposure but my last grow was led bulbs and sunlight and when in the sun I marked each side with a number and each side would get 1 1/2 hrs each before I rotated it. But it’s a good idea I had a lot of time when everything was crazy w covid. It’s worth a shot tho, my guess it would help but you gotta think will it help enough to be worth all that trouble.
Now that I think of it......Would be better using the turntable outside . Less shadow time.
Plus the solar panel thing as said above.
Cool project
Actually thought about this idea myself once after a long solo sesh of strawberry sour diesel. Had the idea after buying one of those Christmas trees that spin around to decorate easier. You would need a turntable geared down with enough torque to spin heavy plant containers very slowly. Maybe a large diameter to put several plants on.
What would be cool is a planter itself, something like a SIP, that rotates at very slow speed. Possibly even solar powered w/battery back up so there’s no plug to trip over. You heard it here first on RIU folks; get your spinning SIPs coming soon. Patents pending...
I can't wait for the late night infomercials!