Turning Point radio, Sheriff of Mendo convinced GMO cannabis is growing in norcal


Well-Known Member
5/28/15, Turning Point (10am - 11am pst, kpfz.org) Sheriff Tom Allman concludes that GMO cannabis is being grown in Mendocino county in spite of the Mendo GMO ban...

Turning Point interviews the President of the California Grange Bob McFarland about GMO's and the new seed regulation law in Ca. We also talk with Bob about the latest Ca hemp regulations and the need for guarding against GMO cannabis.

6/17/15, Turning Point interviews Dr. Vandana Shiva about the threat of GMO cannabis. Dr. Shiva voices support for the Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act effort/concept etc.We also talk about other genetic engineering concerns.
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So now we are believing Mendicino sheriffs? How's that worked out for people in the past?

I can't wait for GMO cannabis. That sounds awesome.
Thanks for being 'honest' about who you are Dan, now if we could just get the rest of your cohorts to do the same = DPA, MPP, NORML etc...
Fight for your natural human rights and to end discrimination so that future generations may enjoy their natural birth rights. Please don't negotiate for the evolution of prohibition where somehow you trade your human rights (and the rights of the yet unborn) for a chance to be treated like anyone on parole or probation etc. If someone has a natural right to grow carrots in their yard for their own needs (non commercial), then of course you have the same equal rights to grow cannabis for your own needs, that's called equal protection and it's what we all should be fighting for. It's the least we owe to those who come after us. Instead we fight to institutionalize and regulate and continue to profit from unconstitutional discrimination. We should all be demanding justice for crimes against humanity because thats what cannabis prohibition amounts to. What would the world look like if we had never been robbed of this plant = best food, fiber, medicine etc and our basic most fundamental human rights to grow natural plants for our own needs? Why aren't the Soros gangs = DPA, MPP etc fighting to expose these crimes against humanity that have impacted the whole world? Why aren't they at least fighting for restoration of your natural human rights? Why aren't they fighting to end unconstitutional discrimination? Why are they funding the evolution of prohibition instead of funding the fight to end prohibition? The better question is why are you helping with their efforts instead of fighting on behalf of all that I have just stated?
Thanks for being 'honest' about who you are Dan, now if we could just get the rest of your cohorts to do the same = DPA, MPP, NORML etc...

I'm not embarrassed about being sane and not believing in baseless conspiracy theories.

The fact that you think the only groups out there who have successfully fought for legalization are the enemy shows a lot about who you are.

I believe in facts. I believe in science. I require evidence before believing in something. Not ashamed of that.

If someone has a natural right to grow carrots in their yard for their own needs (non commercial), then of course you have the same equal rights to grow cannabis for your own needs, that's called equal protection and it's what we all should be fighting for. It's the least we owe to those who come after us. Instead we fight to institutionalize and regulate and continue to profit from unconstitutional discrimination.

People like you make the perfect the enemy of the good. That halts progress. You make false promises to people that if they vote against legalization eventually a better initiative will come around. It won't. You're lying to them. And in doing so you are supporting prohibition.

Look at you. You're supporting baseless unfounded claims made by a drug war sheriff. You should be ashamed of yourself. He's not a scientist, but you're believing what he has to say because it goes along with what you already believe. That's anti-science and it's anti-freedom.

When you are siding with people fighting to keep the drug war in place maybe it's time to question what side you are really on.

I stand with the people like the DPA who are actually bringing us legalization incrementally while you're on the side of drug warrior sheriffs. What the fuck is wrong with you dude.
I'm not embarrassed about being sane and not believing in baseless conspiracy theories.

The fact that you think the only groups out there who have successfully fought for legalization are the enemy shows a lot about who you are.

I believe in facts. I believe in science. I require evidence before believing in something. Not ashamed of that.

People like you make the perfect the enemy of the good. That halts progress. You make false promises to people that if they vote against legalization eventually a better initiative will come around. It won't. You're lying to them. And in doing so you are supporting prohibition.

Look at you. You're supporting baseless unfounded claims made by a drug war sheriff. You should be ashamed of yourself. He's not a scientist, but you're believing what he has to say because it goes along with what you already believe. That's anti-science and it's anti-freedom.

When you are siding with people fighting to keep the drug war in place maybe it's time to question what side you are really on.

I stand with the people like the DPA who are actually bringing us legalization incrementally while you're on the side of drug warrior sheriffs. What the fuck is wrong with you dude.

Thats an odd statement considering that the Sheriff of Mendo is pushing for the exact legislation you and the DPA are pushing for...interesting...in fact the only thing you and the DPA apparently disagree with the sheriff about is banning GMO cannabis, (also very interesting), otherwise you and the DPA are in complete solidarity with the Mendo sheriff lol :(