Well-Known Member
5/28/15, Turning Point (10am - 11am pst, kpfz.org) Sheriff Tom Allman concludes that GMO cannabis is being grown in Mendocino county in spite of the Mendo GMO ban...
Turning Point interviews the President of the California Grange Bob McFarland about GMO's and the new seed regulation law in Ca. We also talk with Bob about the latest Ca hemp regulations and the need for guarding against GMO cannabis.
6/17/15, Turning Point interviews Dr. Vandana Shiva about the threat of GMO cannabis. Dr. Shiva voices support for the Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act effort/concept etc.We also talk about other genetic engineering concerns.
<iframe src="https://app.box.com/embed/preview/s8h7ez40dmlr6vwwxlxya4hg40sl81he?theme=dark" width="500" height="88" frameborder="0"allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>
Turning Point interviews the President of the California Grange Bob McFarland about GMO's and the new seed regulation law in Ca. We also talk with Bob about the latest Ca hemp regulations and the need for guarding against GMO cannabis.
6/17/15, Turning Point interviews Dr. Vandana Shiva about the threat of GMO cannabis. Dr. Shiva voices support for the Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act effort/concept etc.We also talk about other genetic engineering concerns.
<iframe src="https://app.box.com/embed/preview/s8h7ez40dmlr6vwwxlxya4hg40sl81he?theme=dark" width="500" height="88" frameborder="0"allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>