Turkilton's all Eggs in One Basket


Well-Known Member
then repurpose something thats not involved with growing ;)
there have been a few grows on here with these and they turned out pretty nice
there 30w and around $26 usd so you could just add one at a time when you have the cash
cheers for the link duude ! but due to a extremely tight arsed brother (i rent off him, offered to pay more rent for the increase in elecy but still not good enough. even tried saying that the bill was £100 over normal when i know for a fact it was about £6) i cannot stray away from CFL's, its soo frustrating man wanting to grow mighty plants and mighty buds but unable to due to family.

got the same mind as me mate ;) i buy a new light every week but this week i thought i would spoil her and get two more :P

Peace Out



Well-Known Member
the dragons are supposed to be badass grows
seems to be the exact as plant in that pic as the thread i found and all i have to say is wow & goodluck!!

when are you thinking of starting this grow my smoky friend ?



Well-Known Member
It sure is fun and kind of addicting to expand your grow and equipment isn't turk. That stone dragon is mean lookin s.o.b. Damn! I'm torn between wanting to hug and bite that fucker.


Well-Known Member
that it is mate, generally everything about this excites me and i dont think ive ever put this much effort into something ! i know such a beautiful plant, these plants with the colouring are mental and i shall grow my fair few by the time my time is done!


Well-Known Member
553865_10202140585739106_1226293624_n.jpg555908_10202140586899135_30037028_n.jpg1095052_10202140590139216_1490096716_n.jpg1374814_10202140587619153_1398815830_n.jpg1376573_10202140586459124_1086804792_n.jpg1379295_10202140592099265_1590649430_n.jpg1380022_10202140590499225_519276948_n.jpg1380435_10202140589539201_735017798_n.jpg UPDATE: Day 14(PH Levels were wrong)
everything is going to plan, as stated earlier the Ph levels of my bottled water was incorrect but i've got myself a indicator kit (£5) and some Ph down (£7) and now got my water to in the 6 range. nutes will start on next feed with one ml of biobizz top max in one litre of water, the light areas of the leaves are (from a uneducated guess) from the Ph level being wrong but thats all sorted now and the leaves should turn a beautiful green in the next 2-3 days. i've got my four way splitter connected with 3x30W 6400k bulbs running** but the 2400k light was broken via a very clumsy girlfriend ! you'll also see the reflector i fashioned out of tape, sticks and sheeting (rather happy with how it turned out).

as normal if you guys can see anything im doing seriously wrong please speak up but other than that, hope your grows are well and your smoking is better !

** bulb company sent me 2x splitters and 1x bulb instead of other way round but said i could keep the splitter as a act of good faith !

Peace Out!



Well-Known Member
Just done a quick number crunch as i know some people prefer the lights in lumen's, each 30W is giving out 2,000 lumen's and after today (the 2nd bulb has just turned up) ill have 4x30w 6400k CFL's kicking out 240,000 lumen's is this enough?!!


Well-Known Member
How far off was your ph? Nitrogen is mobile. So the light green should darken up with time. Careful with your ph adjustments. I don't really think you need to worry about it with soil, cause the soil will buffer the water and nutes. Alot of experienced growers I respect never bother and have great plants. I'm no expert with lumens but your growing an auto so I think that should be enough. Just remember they don't travel far before diminishing.

I'll be harvesting parts of my older plants this weekend. The trics and buds were giving me mixed signals. So I asked my group of friends and one of them told me when he used to grow ak48 he found that 55 days after the flip was the best time to harvest. I love this forum. Later Turk.


Well-Known Member
My ph was at 8 and since adjusting it there has been an explosion of growth this could be down to being in second week (supposedly the hyper growth stage) yeah I think ive got the exact right amount of light hitting the plant now as I can actually see growth after leaving it for a couple hours. Should be alright got the lights 2 inches away woth fan dirctly on the lights which then beats down on the baby.

Looking forward to the smoke report back from your plants mate they have been looking beaut all week!!

Peace out


Well-Known Member
Pure brilliance!! Had a look at his entire grow turned out pretty fucking good! Im going to be running side and underneath lights once plant is big enough though.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
My ph was at 8 and since adjusting it there has been an explosion of growth this could be down to being in second week (supposedly the hyper growth stage) yeah I think ive got the exact right amount of light hitting the plant now as I can actually see growth after leaving it for a couple hours. Should be alright got the lights 2 inches away woth fan dirctly on the lights which then beats down on the baby.

Looking forward to the smoke report back from your plants mate they have been looking beaut all week!!

Peace out
Oh yeah, 8 is insane!

I had to run out and grab some more PH up this week. My nute drops it into the 4 range when I really start adding.

Good job keeping the fans on your lights. That is the way to get em close!

6-8 inches tall is a good time to start adding side lighting because CFLs penetration doesnt do much past 6 inches.


Well-Known Member
8 is waaay to high for a auto correct ? its down in the 6's now and will be staying in that position and am i right in Ph adjusting once the fertz have been added ? (1ml of BioBizz TopMax For 2L of Water)

bloody hell 4 is extremely low ! how did it even get down to that ? yeah side lights wont be added for maybe a week or so as she is just bushing to fuck with what seems to be more branch growth than new nodes.
ill be using 2400K CFLs for the side lighting as the 2400K's penetrate a lot further.

Peace Out

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
8 is waaay to high for a auto correct ? its down in the 6's now and will be staying in that position and am i right in Ph adjusting once the fertz have been added ? (1ml of BioBizz TopMax For 2L of Water)

bloody hell 4 is extremely low ! how did it even get down to that ? yeah side lights wont be added for maybe a week or so as she is just bushing to fuck with what seems to be more branch growth than new nodes.
ill be using 2400K CFLs for the side lighting as the 2400K's penetrate a lot further.

Peace Out
All plants whether auto or photoperiod need in the 6 range. Yes ph adjust after adding nutes. If you are using the general hydroponics kit, yellow with a small hint of green is perfect. If you see orange when drops hit the water or yellow with a tint of orange, it is too low.


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Well-Known Member
View attachment 2859345 sorry about the broken up messages but the site isnt working properly on my missus phone !!

This is day 19 there seems to be a tiny bit of burning on the upper leaves but only a little so im not to worried but I would like to ask should I take off the very bottom fan leaves to allow the first set of branches more space ??

And this is the best picture for seeing one of the four pre flowers very small but if your eyes are good enough youll see it, there also seems to be no real vertical growth only side growrh and for me thats beautiful!!

Peace out lads and you know the drill :)
