Tulsi Gabbard Drops out and Endorses...

Of course not. You gotta play by the rules and use any other methods that arent rules or forbidden.

Campaign finance reform im all for. But come on its a Republican controlled senate. Its was a good ole flag waving for the Democrats.

But i do not want govt funded elections either.

All or nothing. It seems there's small progress to find middle ground, but not likely when two opposing sides both want it all.

I said earlier the Senate and house to some degree both have more responsibilities to this morass of a govt than the president does.
Not some evil plot but wouldn't that be fun to bullshit about?

I should have added firstly all politicians are beholden to their political party and its chair person, then their own donors and lobbyists.

As an example, AOC seems pretty genuine about her motives, but the Democratic party majority is not supporting her very much.

Bernies been independent for years. Or so its portrayed Im not from Vermont so cant say for sure. But hes definitely not seen as a Democrat.

They all gotta toe the party line at some point or will have a hard time getting reelected. Bernie is in a state that welcomes an independent thinker. Not too many blue states, i would imagine are so open minded.

As far as plots go....i also worked for syngenta for a year in 2009-2010. A large biotech GMO corporation. Believe me you, when I say they have multidecade plans and contingencies. I got to read their internal research papers going back to the 60s and 70s. The ones that scared me were about climate change and rising global temperatures. A big reason was they mentioned the use of food relief or seed availability as a way for our government to influence global politics. And having special seeds modified to grow in hotter regions critical to US government interests.
AOC is a 1st term congress member in a heavily blue district. What should they be doing for her that they are not already doing? If people don't 'tow the line' in the Democratic party, they won't get anything done ever with the Republicans stonewalling all progress in our society. At least during the 6 years or so that the Democrats have been able to really get anything done in the last 50 years anyways.

So a company that is making plans and contingencies for the future is a plot? I would call that sound and responsible business. Now if you have some inside info on them developing a plant that would wipe out all Ginger's or something, I would call that a plot.
Of course not. You gotta play by the rules and use any other methods that arent rules or forbidden.

Campaign finance reform im all for. But come on its a Republican controlled senate. Its was a good ole flag waving for the Democrats.

But i do not want govt funded elections either.

All or nothing. It seems there's small progress to find middle ground, but not likely when two opposing sides both want it all.

I said earlier the Senate and house to some degree both have more responsibilities to this morass of a govt than the president does.
2014 was a Democratic controlled Senate. Every Democrat voted for it. Every Republican voted to sustain a filibuster. There is no middle ground in this. Just saying, your lying propaganda is hollow.
So am I. You have insurance, so what's the beef with the ACA? You have a problem with 30 million people who couldn't afford insurance having access?
Yeah mine doubled. To subsidize their waiting room seat. Since when am i responsible for someone elses insurance?
Bernie has a plan to fund that. But im not here to support or bash that.
Id be fine paying into a national healthcare . Im paying 3600 a year for last what 10 years? To keep it at that 300 a month, had to switch carriers twice.
The health care system is broken, rigged and woefully inefficient in fiscal management.
2014 was a Democratic controlled Senate. Every Democrat voted for it. Every Republican voted to sustain a filibuster. There is no middle ground in this. Just saying, your lying propaganda is hollow.
So they still couldn't pass it!!
AOC is a 1st term congress member in a heavily blue district. What should they be doing for her that they are not already doing? If people don't 'tow the line' in the Democratic party, they won't get anything done ever with the Republicans stonewalling all progress in our society. At least during the 6 years or so that the Democrats have been able to really get anything done in the last 50 years anyways.

So a company that is making plans and contingencies for the future is a plot? I would call that sound and responsible business. Now if you have some inside info on them developing a plant that would wipe out all Ginger's or something, I would call that a plot.
Have you seen the shade more tenured Democrats throw AOC, especially when the Green new deal was proposed? And shes coming up for reelection and it was reported her democrat challenger was getting endorsements from party affiliates and donors that previously supported AOC. Its not about who the Democratic seat holder is, its that its a Democrat to maintain majorities.
Same with Biden or Sanders. Whos more electable. Not more competent. Not more progressive or moderate. But whos electable according to polls data etc.
As far as plots, for people and government officials to deny climate change and warming is a conspiracy or just truly retarded humans. If corporations were making plans in the 60s and 70s and following thru in the 80s and 90s for climate change youd think government would take contingencies too since they supported the majority of the research used thru government funding.
The seeds that they had ready when i was there, were projected to be needed this and next decade.
Your insurance company liked it even better. The minute you got sick, they would have raised your rates to the point where your parents couldn't pay for the premiums anymore.
Im not like you, still sucking on mommy's teats.
I haven't seen a doctor for illness since early 2000s. No preexisting conditions or lifestyle. Funny the first time my rates jumped and i switched insurance was cause i filled out a questionnaire and had to get a physical with my doctor and I said that i use medical marijuana. Six months later notified that my risk factors of "drug use" would mean i pay 400 a month! I dont smoke cigarettes or even drink much at all.
You mean covering big business assess. We knew well before lead paint was outlawed that lead was toxic. Same with chemicals in water but that hasn't stopped govt in this administration from loosening or rolling back environmental laws and regulations.
Earlier, I said you suck at this. I was being far too conservative.

But you earned that 27 cents!
