Tulsi Gabbard Drops out and Endorses...

You think the government cared about lead paint? Or clean water? They wouldn't have allowed it to be sold if they did. Only when it was a threat to citizens and then linked to paint and gasoline that had been sold for decades, making it a possible crisis in public health and public discussion but also importantly to huge libel lawsuits for corporations.
LOL Yeah, Democrats are why the science denying, environmental regulations opposing, NIMBY party of Republicans have raped this country.

If you want any of the reforms you claim to want done vote Democrats in.
Did you eat too much lead paint as a kid? Just kidding lol.

Obama admitted he had to compromise with the insurance lobbyists working thru their Republican surrogates to have a chance to do something about health insurance reform. And it wasnt even close to his vision of what he wanted, so he says.

His mandate that everyone has to purchase insurance or get penalized was bullshit. Me and my friends were forced to buy subpar worth nothing insurance or get penalized. Forcing people to do something that involves their own body and life. Thats a bullshit paywall if ive ever heard of one.
Did you eat too much lead paint as a kid? Just kidding lol.

Obama admitted he had to compromise with the insurance lobbyists working thru their Republican surrogates to have a chance to do something about health insurance reform. And it wasnt even close to his vision of what he wanted, so he says.

His mandate that everyone has to purchase insurance or get penalized was bullshit. Me and my friends were forced to buy subpar worth nothing insurance or get penalized. Forcing people to do something that involves their own body and life. Thats a bullshit paywall if ive ever heard of one.
cite the article

As far as the ACA is concerned, it was landmark legislation that enabled tens of millions of people access to healthcare they could not have afforded otherwise. It is and always has been a bridge to a national healthcare system. Republicans tried to repeal it and the honeymoon with Trump's Republican party was over. So, yeah, it's helped millions of people and most in the US want to keep it going. It really doesn't matter if you expected better, Felicia.
So really it was a compromise to keep insurance businesses happy. Making private citizens bear the burden for others by a mandate. We're off topic of our fucked up health care system from top to bottom. Insurance just gets you a seat in the waiting room. Im paying 300 a month for that? Soon as I leave co pays and special testing or routine lab testing comes outta pocket.
I am a veteran and remember when the military medical system went the way of insurance companies. In the sense that it became managed by an entity "tricare" instead of by the physicians. I worked as an IDC HM2 at Camp Pendleton.
This bridge to nowhere isnt a national system in that its like Medicare or Medicaid.
You think the government cared about lead paint? Or clean water? They wouldn't have allowed it to be sold if they did. Only when it was a threat to citizens and then linked to paint and gasoline that had been sold for decades, making it a possible crisis in public health and public discussion but also importantly to huge libel lawsuits for corporations.
You think the government thinks? Or do you think the people who are elected into office are the ones that do that?

Also the government (generally) doesn't tell people what to sell. That is not how it works, people think of something that they think they can make money on and produce it, people who want it buy it, use it, and after a while, if enough is pushed out into the world that people who did not benefit from it have to deal with it.

That is usually the point that Government comes into play if it turns out to be toxic or whatnot. At that point those people who are in government at the time have to make decisions on what to do. Unfortunately for way too long those decisions were only being made by about 30% of our population and information was not nearly as good as it is now. So it took a lot longer to figure out the mess they were making. Especially since the wealthy white people could just move away from their ecological disaster to a fresh shiny new suburb leaving minority and poor communities to sit in their messes.

That is why the posts I made that you basically just ignored matter so much. By having the other 60% of the population represented, people can and are making far better decisions because they have a much more complete picture of what life is like all across our country. Unfortunately that is only occurring in one party at the moment.

And anytime they get in power, shit like what you are posting crops up and tries to convince people that voting doesn't matter so the status quo keeps their upper hand.
So really it was a compromise to keep insurance businesses happy. Making private citizens bear the burden for others by a mandate. We're off topic of our fucked up health care system from top to bottom. Insurance just gets you a seat in the waiting room. Im paying 300 a month for that? Soon as I leave co pays and special testing or routine lab testing comes outta pocket.
I am a veteran and remember when the military medical system went the way of insurance companies. In the sense that it became managed by an entity "tricare" instead of by the physicians. I worked as an IDC HM2 at Camp Pendleton.
This bridge to nowhere isnt a national system in that its like Medicare or Medicaid.
So, nothing is preferable to progress?
In the last 21 years we have seen the presidential popular vote not matter at all, what 3 times. Politics is easily rigged-gerrymandering mean anything to you or redistricting voter boundaries?

You are very passionate about your Democrats but too blinded by shiny press photos to see its not real change. Just more photogenic and less able to be bashed. Pandering to their own base. Kinda closr close minded.

But Republicans do the same thing.

Im grateful you are intelligent beyond the 6th grade comprehension of most Americans. Thanks.
I am enjoying my coffee and spliffs having this discussion with you.
Did you eat too much lead paint as a kid? Just kidding lol.

Obama admitted he had to compromise with the insurance lobbyists working thru their Republican surrogates to have a chance to do something about health insurance reform. And it wasnt even close to his vision of what he wanted, so he says.

His mandate that everyone has to purchase insurance or get penalized was bullshit. Me and my friends were forced to buy subpar worth nothing insurance or get penalized. Forcing people to do something that involves their own body and life. Thats a bullshit paywall if ive ever heard of one.
So instead you want us to have to pay for the percent of people like yourself that thinks they are awesome and get caught having to go to a ER and can't pay their bill? That is bullshit from my perspective.

So really it was a compromise to keep insurance businesses happy. Making private citizens bear the burden for others by a mandate. We're off topic of our fucked up health care system from top to bottom. Insurance just gets you a seat in the waiting room. Im paying 300 a month for that? Soon as I leave co pays and special testing or routine lab testing comes outta pocket.
I am a veteran and remember when the military medical system went the way of insurance companies. In the sense that it became managed by an entity "tricare" instead of by the physicians. I worked as an IDC HM2 at Camp Pendleton.
This bridge to nowhere isnt a national system in that its like Medicare or Medicaid.
I really find this post hard to not troll. And you have ignored everything else I posted to do your stupid rant that is what the racists push out to keep Trump in power. There is a lot of bullshit in this last post by you.
What was wrong with the status quo before ACA?

The wrong was the pricing scheme of healthcare not the affordability of insurance.
Insurance just gets most into the waiting room. The price of treatments and tests hasn't gone down in price! Thats the crux of our healthcare debacle.
In the last 21 years we have seen the presidential popular vote not matter at all, what 3 times. Politics is easily rigged-gerrymandering mean anything to you or redistricting voter boundaries?

You are very passionate about your Democrats but too blinded by shiny press photos to see its not real change. Just more photogenic and less able to be bashed. Pandering to their own base. Kinda closr close minded.

But Republicans do the same thing.

Im grateful you are intelligent beyond the 6th grade comprehension of most Americans. Thanks.
I am enjoying my coffee and spliffs having this discussion with you.
30 million people who didn't have healthcare coverage before Obama took office would disagree. The ACA is a popular and well supported program. You'd have us go back to what Bush offered because the ACA isn't pure enough?
What was wrong with the status quo before ACA?

The wrong was the pricing scheme of healthcare not the affordability of insurance.
Insurance just gets most into the waiting room. The price of treatments and tests hasn't gone down in price! Thats the crux of our healthcare debacle.
You go from "it doesn't cover everybody" to let's go back to the broken system before Obama.

lulz, fake Progressives are funnier than the actual ones.
In the last 21 years we have seen the presidential popular vote not matter at all, what 3 times. Politics is easily rigged-gerrymandering mean anything to you or redistricting voter boundaries?

You are very passionate about your Democrats but too blinded by shiny press photos to see its not real change. Just more photogenic and less able to be bashed. Pandering to their own base. Kinda closr close minded.

But Republicans do the same thing.

Im grateful you are intelligent beyond the 6th grade comprehension of most Americans. Thanks.
I am enjoying my coffee and spliffs having this discussion with you.
Never had things not go your way? Never had to win big to win at all? That is the issue you should not ignore about how it is for the Democratic party. It is not about shiny press photos, it is reality.

Why do you think there is gerrymandering? Republican's are smart and tactically retreated with a game plan that the Democrats have been slow to pick up on. They knew exactly when to push the different leverages of power to keep control as long as possible, which we saw the latest effort with McConnell's stonewalling all of Obama's judges so Trump could flood the courts with Right wing assholes for the next 50 years.

Democrats need to win and win big to have any chance at all for society to keep progressing as the Republicans focus on maintaining power, which is far easier. It is not the same thing, and what you are pushing is just bullshit the Republican's came up with to do just what is currently happening.
I agree with you in your last paragraph...but all politicians are beholden to their donors, lobbyists more than to their constituents. Dems and Republicans. Not one of them is altruistic in their thinking for our society.
To think that there truly is a difference between a Democrat and a Republican is foolish. They are politicians first and foremost.
Democrats, Biden is and are running as what the anti-republicans? No substance to their messages. Politicians rarely deliver on their campaign messages.

You breifly touch on the true problem in that its congress not the president who makes the most changes on our federal government.
I agree with you in your last paragraph...but all politicians are beholden to their donors, lobbyists more than to their constituents. Dems and Republicans. Not one of them is altruistic in their thinking for our society.
To think that there truly is a difference between a Democrat and a Republican is foolish. They are politicians first and foremost.
Democrats, Biden is and are running as what the anti-republicans? No substance to their messages. Politicians rarely deliver on their campaign messages.

You breifly touch on the true problem in that its congress not the president who makes the most changes on our federal government.

"All" politicians are "Beholden" to their donors, Lobbyists..... Is too convenient to not just be populist garbage. Reality has nuance.

Politicians are just people at the end of the day. And people try to make the best decision they can with the information that they have on hand. Lobbying and donations do buy those businesses/special interests exposure, and by spreading it around they can have far more influence than any particular person (who is not rich) could, but that doesn't mean that what they are saying is always some evil plot.
Not some evil plot but wouldn't that be fun to bullshit about?

I should have added firstly all politicians are beholden to their political party and its chair person, then their own donors and lobbyists.

As an example, AOC seems pretty genuine about her motives, but the Democratic party majority is not supporting her very much.

Bernies been independent for years. Or so its portrayed Im not from Vermont so cant say for sure. But hes definitely not seen as a Democrat.

They all gotta toe the party line at some point or will have a hard time getting reelected. Bernie is in a state that welcomes an independent thinker. Not too many blue states, i would imagine are so open minded.

As far as plots go....i also worked for syngenta for a year in 2009-2010. A large biotech GMO corporation. Believe me you, when I say they have multidecade plans and contingencies. I got to read their internal research papers going back to the 60s and 70s. The ones that scared me were about climate change and rising global temperatures. A big reason was they mentioned the use of food relief or seed availability as a way for our government to influence global politics. And having special seeds modified to grow in hotter regions critical to US government interests.
I agree with you in your last paragraph...but all politicians are beholden to their donors, lobbyists more than to their constituents. Dems and Republicans. Not one of them is altruistic in their thinking for our society.
To think that there truly is a difference between a Democrat and a Republican is foolish. They are politicians first and foremost.
Democrats, Biden is and are running as what the anti-republicans? No substance to their messages. Politicians rarely deliver on their campaign messages.

You breifly touch on the true problem in that its congress not the president who makes the most changes on our federal government.
Did you know that when Bernie Sanders introduced a bill for an amendment to the constitution to repeal the Citizen's United ruling, every Democratic Party Senator voted for it and every Republican Senator voted against it? Even though a majority of senators (all Democrats) voted to support the bill, a (then) minority of Republicans blocked it by sustaining their filibuster of it.

Facts like that put the lie to your statement right there, Chumley. Democrats support campaign finance reform.

Is this where you tell me that Democrats must lose election by refusing donations? lulz, yeah, that's exactly what Trump and his Republican Party want.