Tulsi Gabbard Drops out and Endorses...

Sounds like you want corruption and shenanigans as usual in D.C.
Have you not seen anything change in the last 50-60 years?

Edit Here is a couple hints:
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Im not that old. And yes ive seen no difference in Dem or Rep controlled presidency or congress. Our federal govt is beholden to wall street and big business. Look where the first coronavirus bailouts are going.
Biden is a devil. Hes a senile cuck, pandering to the boomers. He will halt social progress, economic equality and economic accountability (talking about corporations since majority of tax code changes and stuff is for them). He will be like Trump but not nearly as orange or entertaining. Maintain the status quo.
Im not that old. And yes ive seen no difference in Dem or Rep controlled presidency or congress. Our federal govt is beholden to wall street and big business. Look where the first coronavirus bailouts are going.
I really have to disagree. There is an obvious change in the Democratic party since they have been gaining power and legislating for all Americans.


Propaganda against 'big business' has always been used as the boogey man to whip up populist fear. But it is the decisions of the near 400 million people in our country that is the ones making the decisions. Our government is not really there to control our lives and it really doesn't.

And if you look at how government has done its jobs in many ways, like stopping us (yes all of us) from doing stupid short sighted shit like buying lead paint and dumping chemicals into our water, it has been improving our lives in ways we forget.

Biden is a devil. Hes a senile cuck, pandering to the boomers. He will halt social progress, economic equality and economic accountability (talking about corporations since majority of tax code changes and stuff is for them). He will be like Trump but not nearly as orange or entertaining. Maintain the status quo.
Im guessing you learned this from not watching things he has said in their entirety and just going off of edited clips and what 'people' are saying.
Joe Biden.

I'm kinda shocked.

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The ruble just doesn't go very far these days.
I told ya Russia was cutting it's losses, they know Trump is fucked after this fiasco, why waste the dollars. Besides, Putin is in full denial and Russia is gonna get hammered bigly with coronavirus. Putin might order Donald to send all the ventilators in America to Russia proto, think he would at least try to comply?
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Thats a dilemma we're forced to choose from. Thats really a non choice. We are truly incapable of electing anyone other than Dem or Rep. Both parties, which are businesses, work together even when played out in media as opposing sides on issues. Add the fact that Americans on average, have the shortest attention span and an adult critical thinking level of comprehension thats 5th or 6th grade level. Its easy to keep the status quo.
Thats a dilemma we're forced to choose from. Thats really a non choice. We are truly incapable of electing anyone other than Dem or Rep. Both parties, which are businesses, work together even when played out in media as opposing sides on issues. Add the fact that Americans on average, have the shortest attention span and an adult critical thinking level of comprehension thats 5th or 6th grade level. Its easy to keep the status quo.
That is like saying the truth and lies work together. It is ridiculous and lies that have been spooned to the masses since the old political/societial powers lost their ability to keep the 66% of the population out of office and the economy.

Only one party is spreading the lies and propaganda and trying to keep people dumb. And it is not the Democrats.
You mean covering big business assess. We knew well before lead paint was outlawed that lead was toxic. Same with chemicals in water but that hasn't stopped govt in this administration from loosening or rolling back environmental laws and regulations.
Its in the history and legislation thats been passed. Look into it. Im independent, i dont agree with everything trump says or does, but sometimes his intent isnt wrong, his message or presentation can set people off. Same with Obama I was vehemently opposed to his Obamacare for a number of reasons among those being he compromised in favor of insurance corps and mandated laws governing our own body, with penalties if not followed.
You mean covering big business assess. We knew well before lead paint was outlawed that lead was toxic. Same with chemicals in water but that hasn't stopped govt in this administration from loosening or rolling back environmental laws and regulations.
Out of the last 50 years how much of that time do you think that the Democrats have had the ability to make any real change?

If you guessed about 6 years you would be right. Those rollbacks occur under the Republican controlled DC. Ever single time the Democrats have won the Presidency, they had the House and Senate for 2 years before the Republicans spewed so much lies, hate, and propaganda that they flipped the congress back to Republican control. Which effectively stonewalled anything the Democrats would be able to do to advance our society.

Because the Republicans being the party of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda, only needs things to NOT change to maintain their power over the rest of society. Since the Southern Strategy the Democrats have been the only party working for all Americans, because it is comprised of all Americans.

Don't be fooled into spreading the racist agenda that you currently are that 'both parties are the same'. Because they are not. That is a trope to try to cause people to think voting is worthless, taking away our ability to move our society forward.

Its in the history and legislation thats been passed. Look into it. Im independent, i dont agree with everything trump says or does, but sometimes his intent isnt wrong, his message or presentation can set people off. Same with Obama I was vehemently opposed to his Obamacare for a number of reasons among those being he compromised in favor of insurance corps and mandated laws governing our own body, with penalties if not followed.

And where do you get your information from that Obamacare did those things?
You think the government cared about lead paint? Or clean water? They wouldn't have allowed it to be sold if they did. Only when it was a threat to citizens and then linked to paint and gasoline that had been sold for decades, making it a possible crisis in public health and public discussion but also importantly to huge libel lawsuits for corporations.