Yo T man, don't do it, I am tellin ya, don't do it!!! (if you can avoid it) My whole summer was wrecked because of my bloody wisdom teeth. I am nearly 40 and they have been in there a good 20 years so mine where like the size of boulders!!! And they were also impacted. I got mine done in two sessions, (they told me they had too because if all 4 were taken out your mouth is so numb you can swallow yer tongue.
Anyway, after a couple of months I was still in pain and felt like I was being a real cry baby, until I felt a sharp jab in the side of my mouth on enight, I eventually pulled a 1cm piece of wisdom tooth that he left in there, the gum eventually pushed it out (this happened 3 times over the 4 removed wisdoms) effectively making the sides of my face numb, giving me earache, and also a sore throught - for nearly 2 months!!!!! So when you get there, tell that Dentist, don't be leaving no bits in my gums man!!!!! Really really wish you all the best with that T.
Fekkin Dutch dentist, was too busy telling me about his Scottish pro golf neighbour...look mate, like I give a $hite, just get on wie yer joab eh!!!
Peace and happy extracting, DST