TrynaGroSumShyt 400w/Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey T, hope your havin a good weekend china!! bought some new ferts yesterday and hopefully be seeing some nice growth in the near future. How's goes it in the grow bru? Laters,,,, DST
Wassup dst, everythings good no major updates today.. cant wait til next week, i love watching buds grow. i took a profile pic this morning.. as you can see, all three of these have been topped some more than others. the ssd in the middle my wife dropped a pair of jeans on it and it broke the plant in half. so the top half went to clones and im flowering the bottom. the next batch i throw in either next week or the week after wont be as big. i was planning on having these as mothers which is why they a topped so much.. i also did some pruning on the bottom removing branches that weren't getting any light. ill do a little more pruning next week and i think i should be done.




Active Member
Hey TrynaGroSumShyt!
Very nice, man.

I wonder why those light bars show-up in high light photos. Only happened with my cell phone this morning. Couldn't get a good lights-on shot for shit with all the bars floating around and multiplying the closer to the light I got. Hmm...... Maybe 'cos my phone is less pixels? I dunno... But love watchin' your grow, TrynaGroSumShyt!



Well-Known Member
Hey TrynaGroSumShyt!
Very nice, man.

I wonder why those light bars show-up in high light photos. Only happened with my cell phone this morning. Couldn't get a good lights-on shot for shit with all the bars floating around and multiplying the closer to the light I got. Hmm...... Maybe 'cos my phone is less pixels? I dunno... But love watchin' your grow, TrynaGroSumShyt!

thx.. my grow isn't where i want it yet.. bout to get the grow tent.. closets to small for me in this new house.. but i just added 2 plants in my flowering closet.. so now every three ill be adding 2 more. then ill be harvesting every 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
Comin on good T.

A little tip if taking pics with a mobile - if you hold a piece of paper or cardboard above the phone (i.e between the phone and the light bulb) it should help with the bars on the pics. That's what I found when I use to take pics with the phone.....


Well-Known Member
thx both of you.. yea mcfunk.. i hate the way my pics come out, ill be getting a cam very soon.. hi-def pics comin.

on another note.. the water i fed yesterday got sucked up quick so im feeding today, starting molasses and my carb-sugars mix, along with fox farm tiger bloom/big bloom.. oh and hygrozyme.


Well-Known Member
i got a quick update for yall.

pic order:

#1 is super strawbery diesel
#2 is Double dipped sour banana og kush #5 potent pheno
#3 is Double dipped sour banana og kush #2 heavy yielder
#4 are my clones/vegging plants
#5 is a seedling from seeds i made last grow, but i dont remember if its DDSBxDDSB or DDSBxSSD either way im proud the mother is DDSB#2.

im still trying to figure out what size i want to start my clones in this perpetual harvest i think those may be too small, next round will be from the same age clones just vegged 3 weeks longer, and so on until i find what size i want to do . ddsb#5 is showing tric's already and also smellin up the room like the other plants aint even there. another reason im playing with size of my clones is light penetration, i want buds all the way to the bottom so ill be testing that way. the reason my girls are drooping is because they are thirsty they perk up within 30 minutes to an hour of watering. i always let them droop a bit before watering to make sure they are gettin it all, and i heard its good to let the roots search like that, not sure on that though. any input is appreciated and welcome.



Well-Known Member
Hi T, think it's good to know when your plants need water (and by them drooping this gives you a range) I personally wouldn't want to do it more than once, why stress the plants I would say. I go with the 5cm or 2 inch rule, just stick my finger in and 5cm down, if it's dry then I water/feed them. If there's excess water left in the mix/soil/coco I don't think this is an issue, this will just get flushed through anyway. Always good to get a bit of a run off when watering as well I find....hope my input helps you along.

Happy growing T.



Well-Known Member
i dont believe thr droop is really stressful in nature this happens all the time, i also do the pot weighing thing. but waiting for the droop ensures that the roots get needed oxygen and makes sure i dont have to deal with root rot. i used to do the 2 inch below the soil method but then i did some reading and it doesnt give the root as much oxygen as the lower roots are wet all the time


Well-Known Member
Hey T, was doing some checking around and seems like your method is used quite a bit. I get what you mean about nature - doesn't always rain every 3 days (unless you live in Holland - then it rains almost every other fekkin day:lol:)

Now I am in a dilemna, do I do the Droop (sounds like a dance!!, or not.....?)

Just started on building my next grow (in sig). Hope you can drop by (not much green action at the moment though:-()

:peace: DST


Well-Known Member
Hey T, was doing some checking around and seems like your method is used quite a bit. I get what you mean about nature - doesn't always rain every 3 days (unless you live in Holland - then it rains almost every other fekkin day:lol:)

Now I am in a dilemna, do I do the Droop (sounds like a dance!!, or not.....?)

Just started on building my next grow (in sig). Hope you can drop by (not much green action at the moment though:-()

:peace: DST
het, ill be dropping by soon:blsmoke: , be careful if you do "the droop" also learn the weight of your pots, and you dont have to let all the leaves droop either, it starts at the bottom and moves up i usually try to catch it soon i see drooping, but i have left them go to the point looking dead and they came back to same day.

as far as i go, i need to transplant, but ive got no soil and my hydro store closed for halloween :cuss: and there is only 1 in my city


Active Member
Very nice T!
Funny y'all are talkin' about "Droop". I woke up to some serious droop in my OG-Kush women this morning. Both of 'em were just droopy as hell. The other women looked like they could use a drink but they weren't hangin' limp like the OG. Since I have my screen off anyway I just took 'em all to the bathtub and flushed real good while I was re hydrating.(It's a No-Nute-Day) Then I misted.

Lookin' forward to the next pics, Tryna!


Well-Known Member
damn.. u must have some really good tap water, i cant stand having to deal eith the ph everytime i water.. my kush' were drooping this morning too.. i just watered(hygrozyme/molasses/my own carb supplement).


Well-Known Member
oh.. im bout to get my wisdom tooth pulled, wish i had some of kush to smoke alreeady b4 i got in.. i hate the dentist
Yo T man, don't do it, I am tellin ya, don't do it!!! (if you can avoid it) My whole summer was wrecked because of my bloody wisdom teeth. I am nearly 40 and they have been in there a good 20 years so mine where like the size of boulders!!! And they were also impacted. I got mine done in two sessions, (they told me they had too because if all 4 were taken out your mouth is so numb you can swallow yer tongue.

Anyway, after a couple of months I was still in pain and felt like I was being a real cry baby, until I felt a sharp jab in the side of my mouth on enight, I eventually pulled a 1cm piece of wisdom tooth that he left in there, the gum eventually pushed it out (this happened 3 times over the 4 removed wisdoms) effectively making the sides of my face numb, giving me earache, and also a sore throught - for nearly 2 months!!!!! So when you get there, tell that Dentist, don't be leaving no bits in my gums man!!!!! Really really wish you all the best with that T.

Fekkin Dutch dentist, was too busy telling me about his Scottish pro golf neighbour...look mate, like I give a $hite, just get on wie yer joab eh!!!

Peace and happy extracting, DST