trying to fix them newbie in trouble


IMG_20130428_211158.jpgIMG_20130428_211152.jpgIMG_20130428_211138.jpgIMG_20130428_211059.jpgIMG_20130428_211022.jpgwent from around 20 to 6 plants added perlite got rid of nutes raised light bought some liquid fert to add later any other advice?


no but they arent far from it well i got rid of all nutes now so will they recover i think they were overheated under watered thats why added perlite and alot od it


Well-Known Member
in a attic going to move them outside whem healthy gets hot any advice for cooling room
Fan, A/C etc. Provide pics of your environment so people can see what you have.

Besides that, I'm not necessarily a grammar Nazi, but for the love of all things pure, use basic punctuation and structure so we don't feel like we're helping a nine year-old.



my bad on the grammar but im using a tablet its not the easiest thing to type on. i will put pics of the envr. tom. i have two fans a 20000 lumen 6500 k t5 fluor. grow light and as i said before its an attic like any other you may have seen before


Well-Known Member
Ok, so you know what you're doing with light which is good.

I agree that they are completely nute-burned. What soil do you have them in here, and what exactly are your temps?



temps get around 90 and the soil im using is a organic mix from a local nursery there wasnt a npk content on the ba but the prob started before i added nutes in the first place. i then waited a week and they seemed to get worse thats when i asked some ?s here and was told nute burn and under watering was the prob. i then went and bought perlite and used all new soil w no nutes and a lot of the perlite and that kind of where im at i really want to save these 5 plants
90 is too high man. Growth starts to stifle between 80-85 degrees depending on some other factors. 75 is perfect IMO, although it depends on strain, method of growing(hydro/organic), etc. Get those things out of the attic ASAP. Unless ventilation is primo, attics are terrible places to grow IMO. Too much heat, insulation may possibly be contaminating the environment as well. I agree that over-fertilization is probably the main culprit, however those temps. are not helping at all.


posted this for help the other day as you can see i was told my prob was nute burn. i hate to disagree but i did a nute test on remaining plants and results were that my n is super low my p was med and my k is low. i bought a new ph tester and results of that was 5.5 i know thats low could that be my prob or the low n levels? please help


Well-Known Member
I heard you dont even need to worry about nutes until they have like 3 sets of 3 leaves.


Well-Known Member
I think your soil is way too hot with nutes. I have seen this before with FF OF in the seedling stage. I get that you tested your soil with a kit. Something is going here beyond the heat also, not that the heat in the attic isn't bad enough. Your ph needs to be at 6.5 in soil. Big factor.


Well-Known Member
It could be nute burn but I've seen this before. My very first attempt to grow was a disaster as I put my seedlings way too close to a bank of 55w PLL lamps, within 2" if I recall. So my plants were all hit with too much light and heat too early in their life. I moved the lights up but the seedlings never recovered. They did not die, they just never grew anymore. They were the size of the OPs.

You can try to do things to see if they recover, but I would bet they won't. You might think about starting over with better temperature and lighting control.