Trying salvia

NYC Diesel

New Member
yea for sure weed is expensive in new york, and even more in NYC. It doesnt help that weed isnt decriminalized at all in NY.


Active Member
Best advice is to quit reading advice, I bought some from the head shop down the street, packed a fresh bowl of sativa/salvia with some buddies and toked it up. Bad taste, little effects. So I started doin some reading on it and how to take it. A big bong hit with a butane lighter is the accepted method from what I found. So after reading all of these experiences, I took a big rip, and first it felt like a huge vacuum was on about half my face(in a good trippy cool body buzz way) but then I completly left my surroundings and somehow put myself into a bunch of different scenarios, liike the ones I had read. I dont have any recollection on the individual experiences, but do remember that it wasn't cool, so all that being said, quit reading, take a rip(20x) hold it in and see what happens, and for the love of god pick a good sitter cause mine sucked ass, pretty much made it worse. OOOh and find a marble table, cause it looks fucking sweet.

NYC Diesel

New Member
true indiana, but when it comes the end of the month, you know cops do anything to reach their quota.
and skanks, sativa is related to weed, not salvia, but thanks for the advice