Try craigslist first!


Craigslist is efn awesome! I built my whole grow setup with new and used stuff I got off craigslist. The best part is, I got everything on the CHEAP. Most ppl selling grow equipment on CL have no use for it anymore and are just trying to get rid of it to make a lil extra money. I was able to negotiate the prices of everything I bought. And I found that ppl always have more than what they advertise on CL. I always try to bundle things for a cheaper overall price. And don't be afraid to lowball I got everything for about half or lower than the original price was, by starting low.
These are some of my CL buys:

4.5x4.5 grow tent slightly used very clean with flange kit already installed. Asking price $100. Bought it for $35.

While buying the tent the guy showed me the rest of what he had. And told me he had bought everything from a storage auction. He had never grown before and had very little knowledge of the items he had. I also purchased:
A 8in vortex inline fan. Asking price $100. Bought it for $50.
2 propagation domes and trays for $5
1 gal (nearly full) liquid karma for $5
1 quart Cal mag plus for $1 also nearly full.

I got a 400w magnetic ballast with a air cooled hydrofarm hood with new bulbs of each mh and hps. priced at $100 bought it for $50.

While buying the light the guy asked if id be interested in buying his 1000w setup also. I told him I wasn't interested and that I only had another.$50 on me. He said he would take the $50!
So for a $100 I got 2 ballasts, 1 hood, 4 bulbs (including a brand new 1000w eye hortilux bulb)

While opening the box to the hood I found a Ph meter and a tds meter! Can't beat that with a stick!

Thanks for reading. Feel free to share your CL buys and stories.


Thanks guys. Believe or it not this was all in one day. I sent a bunch if emails that day and went with the best deal. I purposely messaged the oldest posts and asked if they still had items available. And made an offer they were more than happy to get rid of it cause it had been so long since they posted it.


Well-Known Member
When I got my lights and fans off craigslist I met a grower who gave me some of his genetics too bad the beans were old and didn't germ but it goes it show who buying /selling grow gear still use the fans to this day got new cool tubes now though


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend Craigslist.....90% of my grow room was furnished via C/L. I got two light-movers with rails and two easycool6 reflectors...for $45. I got a 400w MH with ballast....$50.....a four foot four-bulb T5HO for $55 and a 600w HPS for a quarter of an ounce....two grow cabs for a total of $50.
Got to love Craigslist. I always start at half what they are asking or more unless by some odd coicendence they are so under priced, I'm begging them to hold the item at full price.


Well-Known Member
In states where its still illegal be careful of LEO's on there. They will sell you equipment from last grow they busted, grab your plates and then try to get enuff circumstantial evidence to obtain a warrant.

ii dP ii

take my plate number coppers, this vehicle isn't even registered in the same zip code as my grow lol. fuck right off now. kthxbai.


Well-Known Member
In states where its still illegal be careful of LEO's on there. They will sell you equipment from last grow they busted, grab your plates and then try to get enuff circumstantial evidence to obtain a warrant.
True true. I recommend to always make seller tell u what they're driving, that way u can roll by them and take a look. Also use a pinger (app) phone number instead of your standard carrier cell number.

The most retarded shit I've ever seen is actual grow equip. tagged and everything (evidence) - with the seller claiming "they got it at a police auction".

Follow along with me on my first grow -


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Just have to be careful as leo has been setting people up on craigslist. They will come with a story that they bought an auction unit or estate sale or whatever. They sell you cheap stuff so you buy then they basically watched you come in and where you go then they wait before using the known info to get a warrant and kick in. They know you have grow equiptment cus they sold it to you. Then that gives them cause to watch your electric bill and kinda outside snoop to build a case. If they are lucky they stop you on a bogus traffic sitation and find something to link you to possession or growing then come get you.


Active Member
I picked up a switchable 100th hps/mh ballast with a ported hood for 100$ a digital ballast 400w HPS with an inline fan, timer, power strip, and a phresh filter for 50$. Another 400w HPS for 35$. I had to buy the hps bulb for the 1000w but the mh bulb worked fine. I use the 1000w for my room and I have the 2 400w for a back up so I don't have to worry about the 1000 shitting out on me.


Just have to be careful as leo has been setting people up on craigslist. They will come with a story that they bought an auction unit or estate sale or whatever. They sell you cheap stuff so you buy then they basically watched you come in and where you go then they wait before using the known info to get a warrant and kick in. They know you have grow equiptment cus they sold it to you. Then that gives them cause to watch your electric bill and kinda outside snoop to build a case. If they are lucky they stop you on a bogus traffic sitation and find something to link you to possession or growing then come get you.
sounds like a worst case scenario. but good looking out.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a worst case scenario. but good looking out.
True. But I know someone that went down in similar fashion. They were watching grow stores. Gathering info. Then they snag your utilities and trash. One stem in his trash and high utilities plus buying equipment at grow store & thry can get a warrant.

Also knew a grow store that turned out to be owned by a cop. He was gathering information and handing it off for further investigation. His wife worked the counter and he hid in the office.


Well-Known Member