Trump's Wag the Dog Moment; Syrian chemical attack was a false flag!


another obscure site doesn't prove anything.

You lost the right to call anybody a fraud when you were arrested for pimping your abused and brutalized whore in that Wyoming parking lot.
I disagree. There are two exceptions that prove the rule here.

First, the fact that one fringe MP (where Tty clearly used a plural to falsely suggest that there were more than one) only has asked these questions shows that it lacks any real support whatsoever.

Second, the fact that this is the one time that Tty has actually posted a source (a poor one) proves that he knows he knows he is full of shit on about the other times he has refused to.

"In 2012, I applauded Venezuela’s use of electronic voting machines as exemplary in the world. That characterization since has been misused by Nicolas Maduro to suggest a broad validation of Venezuela’s election system as a whole and of subsequent elections that The Carter Center did not observe. In fact, The Carter Center and others routinely have expressed concern about government interference in recent electoral processes. The Carter Center has not observed elections formally in Venezuela since 2004.” - Jimmy Carter

Source - The Carter Foundation
Look back through this thread, it's all here.
Being somewhat of a self proclaimed English major you must understand using the plural means more than one? I only saw that one MP was asking the “hard” questions. Just calling it as I see it. But feel free to elaborate. There are many times when you either pull out obscure articles or word them differently to suit your needs then when asked ....... crickets chirping at dusk. Carry on though, as sad as it is, it’s entertaining. Almost like you’ve stolen Trumps play book, to many similarities to dismiss actually.
"In 2012, I applauded Venezuela’s use of electronic voting machines as exemplary in the world. That characterization since has been misused by Nicolas Maduro to suggest a broad validation of Venezuela’s election system as a whole and of subsequent elections that The Carter Center did not observe. In fact, The Carter Center and others routinely have expressed concern about government interference in recent electoral processes. The Carter Center has not observed elections formally in Venezuela since 2004.” - Jimmy Carter

Source - The Carter Foundation
Yeah, I pointed that out to @ttystikk immediately after he made the claim while also calling everybody dumb for not believing it and asked for his sources. He has neither admitted that he is guilty of mindlessly repeating the propaganda of dictators not that he did so without so much as checking the front page of the Carter Foundation's website.

I predict that he'll come back and say that this is the wrong thread for that but we should totally believe him on this matter because HE KEEPS TELLING US that he is right!

So he has published a bunch of shit propaganda backed up by nothing with an occasional twisted factoid thrown in. Now he claims that the OPCW has "verified" this leaked engineering assessment but won't reveal his source for that. In actuality, the OPCW said, at best, that if they considered the report credible they would have included it - which they didn't. So what we have is pretty much the same as @ttystikk's ridiculous claim that the UN backed Maduro's election, which they most certainly did not. Some asshole got up on the floor of the UN and defended Maduro as legitimately elected. To Tty (a person of severely limited logical capacity and intellect, not to mention low principles) this equates to the UN "certifying Maduro's election. "How can we all be so ignorant?" he asks.

Now the idiot claims that MIT is "certifying" that Assad's gas attack was a false-flag because some former MIT professor claims it is based on the same bullshit news about the OPCW. Does Tty know what the other professors at MIT think? No. But he is so intellectually dishonest that he claims that MIT (indeed, the whole Ivy League, methinks) agrees with him. Lol.

And now we have him claiming that "MPs are asking pointed questions about the incident". Nope, as far as we know (if you can believe even that), one MP has bought into the same bullshit that Tty has. If that validates his theory, then any ridiculous conspiracy brought up by any Republican legislator is even more valid as there are fewer of them. So, according to Tty's "Vulvan logic", pizzagate is real! Fucking moron.

Oh, and don't even get me started on it must be true if it was written by somebody with a Pulitzer Prize in journalism. Lol.

I could go on all night, but the truth is, if it came out of Tty's mouth, it is probably shit.

The funny thing about somebody who has swallowed the propaganda hook is that when they find another person who also has, they feel validated. It is a sign of very limited mental capacities or some type of mental illness.

Tty is no better than Squarepush3r, in fact, I take the latter more seriously.
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