Trump's "shithole" gaff.


Well-Known Member
Here is the key difference, and i apologize for my redundancy as I've been beating this drum many times now on this thread but no one has been able to clearly answer it with a direct answer. Mr Trump said we don't want people from a set of places he deems shitholes but want people from countries such as Normay. That means there is a clear implication that the people themselves are part of what makes it a shithole or not. If I'm incorrect in seeing that implication, why then would we want people from one and not the other? If its just the physical location and the condition of the piece of dirt they live on, a person from Haiti, Ethiopia or Normay would all be equal. Obviously he feels there is something wrong with the persons from these countries... Context is key. So maybe you can shed some light on what the difference in personhood there is between a Normegian, an African, or a Haitian?
Ive been to the Dominican Republic, Peru, Colombia, Puerto Rico, France, England, The Netherlands, Spain and the Bahamas and the only place Ive been bitten by fleas was in shithole North Carolina.

That's unfortunate.

I got bitten on the face by bedbugs at a London youth hostel, less than a half mile from Buckingham Palace.

Got pick-pocketed in Odessa, Ukraine.

Hotel room robbed in Havana.

Nothing bad ever happened to me in the States.


Well-Known Member
I chuckled when I seen it was you that finally commented on it, knowing you either are an english teacher or could have been one :) . I know my posts don't always reflect it, as I'm often well medicated and typing on a crappy tablet, but I, like you, can be real english stickler. My gf hates all my corrections when she speaks. lol.
that's because it's impolite to correct others.


Well-Known Member
let's doxx the political opponent. that'll learn them mj enthusiasts from coming here.
how many times have you doxxed me, trailer trash?

you weren't even smart enough to find my info yourself either, your white supremacist buddies (who i already doxxed) had to do your work for you.

lazy worthless white.


Well-Known Member
Who the f is cool2burn you are just a weirdo Mr. racist
cool2bum was some dumb fucking white racist loser who lumped around on government healthcare and disability checks even though he could work.

had this stupid fucking dream about starting a huge grow op in a legal state even though he'd only ever fucked up a few tiny little shit plants in his little apartment.

real pathetic loser, that guy.