
Considering how few of them are anything more than political harassment, generally only done to enrich leftrat lawyers. I need legitimate lawsuits based on something solid.
The lawsuits go back decades before Trump ran for office, but you knew that, right?

"The documents reviewed by the newspaper include:

  • More than 200 liens since the 1980s that were filed by contractors and workers who said they were stiffed.
  • Records released by casino regulators in 1990 that show 253 subcontractors on a single project were not paid in full or on time.
  • Twenty-four Fair Labor Act violations by the Trump Plaza casino and Trump Mortgage for failure to pay minimum wage or overtime. The cases were resolved with an agreement to pay back wages.
I saw what he said.

He actively, directly and deliberately called for a storming of the Capitol. This is recorded fact.

Also, what is with your sexual obsession? Like I said, amorality isn't about sex. It's about wanting to be America's Stalin, and not even being subtle about it.

Don't worry about that dumbfuck. He couldn't discern the differences between amoral and immoral the first time he used it.

Hey @FredH , you seem to know a thing or two about the Communist manifesto. Why don't you tell us about it?
Audit? You realize for fair and legal elections both sides must be given access to the polls and counting the ballots? With only Republicans checking the ballots they can say anything they want and nobody can refute them. Especially when the owner of the company already said the election was a faud. How can you take their results seriously when the owner already gave his beliefs before an audit.

On the equipment. No one can prove they did not reverse engineer the software in the machine's memory (they do call themselves Ciber Nomjas after all) and tilt the results of the next election. And yes I have an electronic background.
Still you seem programmed by the fake news, one of the head auditors is a Bernie Sanders supporter, the audit is open to all and in fact you can watch it on livestream. As far as believing the election was compromised he has every right to believe what he wants. Everyone has an opinion. Why do you think the election was legitimate? As for the vote tabulation machines you seem unaware they were connected to the internet. There were software issues also. If you believe the results could be tilted in the next election why can't you believe this happened in the 2020 election? After four years of hoax's, farce impeachments, major lies put out by the likes of Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, the hundreds of lies put out by CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC etc. "We got him now" BS it is hard to believe anyone considers any leftrat or their media sources credible. On the other hand many of the things the leftrat media called lies have turned out to be true.
Still you seem programmed by the fake news, one of the head auditors is a Bernie Sanders supporter, the audit is open to all and in fact you can watch it on livestream. As far as believing the election was compromised he has every right to believe what he wants. Everyone has an opinion. Why do you think the election was legitimate? As for the vote tabulation machines you seem unaware they were connected to the internet. There were software issues also. If you believe the results could be tilted in the next election why can't you believe this happened in the 2020 election? After four years of hoax's, farce impeachments, major lies put out by the likes of Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, the hundreds of lies put out by CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC etc. "We got him now" BS it is hard to believe anyone considers any leftrat or their media sources credible. On the other hand many of the things the leftrat media called lies have turned out to be true.
Got proof on Bernie's man?
I saw people in a building moving around pieces of paper. I could not see what they were recording, whether it was accurate. The video was useless.
The machines were not connected to the internet, just the local server. Even then the number had to match what was on the USB stick that is the true tally from the machine. And hand counts of the ballots showed the number the machines recorded were accurate.

You are a joke, you are a temporary ammusment for us here. In a day or two you will be ignored.
You need help, your hate is killing you. But leftrat I have much experience with violence. I have met several of you haters, all generally blowhards. Still in the interest of clarity the communist manifesto is the constitution your house is built around?
Shows how little of the attack you understand.
Still you seem programmed by the fake news, one of the head auditors is a Bernie Sanders supporter, the audit is open to all and in fact you can watch it on livestream. As far as believing the election was compromised he has every right to believe what he wants. Everyone has an opinion. Why do you think the election was legitimate? As for the vote tabulation machines you seem unaware they were connected to the internet. There were software issues also. If you believe the results could be tilted in the next election why can't you believe this happened in the 2020 election? After four years of hoax's, farce impeachments, major lies put out by the likes of Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, the hundreds of lies put out by CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC etc. "We got him now" BS it is hard to believe anyone considers any leftrat or their media sources credible. On the other hand many of the things the leftrat media called lies have turned out to be true.

Trolls like yourself were also being paid to sell Bernie too.

Troll? How so is speaking the truth trolling to a lefty?
Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 9.07.43 PM.png

Trolling is lazy. Chumming is desperate.

Is there something going on that Trump trolls would be as desperate as this guy?
I saw what he said.

He actively, directly and deliberately called for a storming of the Capitol. This is recorded fact.

That is a lie.

Also, what is with your sexual obsession? Like I said, amorality isn't about sex. It's about wanting to be America's Stalin, and not even being subtle about it.

Are you redefining words?

(ā-môr′əl, ā-mŏr′-)
1. Not admitting of moral distinctions or judgments; neither moral nor immoral.
2. Lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong.
I can easily say this far better describes the Biden's. Without question.

Exactly how did Trump appear to you as Stalin? He is very pro constitution. Come up with some actual truth based evidence of this statement.
Still you seem programmed by the fake news, one of the head auditors is a Bernie Sanders supporter, the audit is open to all and in fact you can watch it on livestream. As far as believing the election was compromised he has every right to believe what he wants. Everyone has an opinion. Why do you think the election was legitimate? As for the vote tabulation machines you seem unaware they were connected to the internet. There were software issues also. If you believe the results could be tilted in the next election why can't you believe this happened in the 2020 election? After four years of hoax's, farce impeachments, major lies put out by the likes of Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, the hundreds of lies put out by CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC etc. "We got him now" BS it is hard to believe anyone considers any leftrat or their media sources credible. On the other hand many of the things the leftrat media called lies have turned out to be true.
Who then is a reliable source of news and factual analysis? Please be specific.
(bad quote handling)
1) Note that the definition you offered is in holding with what I said, and not with your attempts to make the discussion prurient.

2) If Trump were pro-Constitution, he would be "all in" on voter's rights and rolling back systemic racism. This is demonstrably false. Do you forget when he called neo-Nazis and Klansmen "very fine people"? That is the Trump "those with eyes to see" have witnessed.
Shows how little of the attack you understand.

Trolls like yourself were also being paid to sell Bernie too.

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Is there something going on that Trump trolls would be as desperate as this guy?
Funny post there lefty, just how much of the "attack" do you understand? Seems they busted their first Trump supporter the other day for "parading" in congress. That's it. Also appears the oath keepers leader was an FBI agent. Don't know exactly what that means but to have Wray call the riot an intelligence blunder seems pretty fishy to me. But then you shallow thinkers keep it up.
1) Note that the definition you offered is in holding with what I said, and not with your attempts to make the discussion prurient.

Prurient? PYHO.

2) If Trump were pro-Constitution, he would be "all in" on voter's rights and rolling back systemic racism. This is demonstrably false. Do you forget when he called neo-Nazis and Klansmen "very fine people"? That is the Trump "those with eyes to see" have witnessed.

Trump is in for voters rights, he wants legal voters to vote in our elections. Systemic racism? Whose definition are you using today? The Marxist one BLM uses? As for your last "very fine people" comment in reality this is the perfect example of the fake news networks lying to you. It also proves you are too lazy to find out the truth for yourself. Get a text of his speech. Do not let CNN think for you.
Funny post there lefty, just how much of the "attack" do you understand? Seems they busted their first Trump supporter the other day for "parading" in congress. That's it. Also appears the oath keepers leader was an FBI agent. Don't know exactly what that means but to have Wray call the riot an intelligence blunder seems pretty fishy to me. But then you shallow thinkers keep it up.

It doesn't surprise me that Trump cultists are brainwashed regardless of what they do in life.

So far your trolling is just empty calories man. You have yet to do anything but act like a brainwashed cultist or paid spam troll.