
You are carrying water for a stunningly amoral autocrat.
Yet he cares a lot for his country and less so for invading migrants. As for amoral are you thinking about his sexual forays? Have yours always been perfect in every way?
Get the low hanging fruit first … let that fat fuck sit on it until the walls close in…… prison deals come with strings attached.

Once they realize their elitist lives are up side down , they will sing. Weisselburg will fold … only a matter of time like cohen did.
Get the low hanging fruit first … let that fat fuck sit on it until the walls close in…… prison deals come with strings attached.

Once they realize their elitist lives are up side down , they will sing. Weisselburg will fold … only a matter of time like cohen did.
So millions of dollars in (40 or so) investigations and little or nothing to show for it and you still want him jailed. Why?
i'm curious as to who he will eventually take down with him, or who will rat him out for a deal...who knew what? who knew what trump knew, and when he knew it? do any of them have any proof? how many will be indicted before it's over? will any prominent republican be caught with their fingers in the wrong sugar bowl?...i'm a little disappointed so far, i was hoping there would be so many smoking guns that trump would just use one of them to blow out his rotten little brain, but i doubt he could hit a target that small
Your statement seems full of hatred, why would you feel this way toward any elected official?
Actually I started threads on all the current crop of leaders. Just heard Trump will run in 2024 so I included him.
are you allowed to run from prison?...will he be able to run when his entire "fortune" has been seized? will there still be enough morons to support another plague on Democracy
because hes a low life, cheating, lying scumbag whose trying to set himself and his family up in an autocracy while assaulting you need more reasons?
Got a link? Election integrity is not assaulting democracy leftrat and it is far more important than Trump.
Yet he cares a lot for his country and less so for invading migrants. As for amoral are you thinking about his sexual forays? Have yours always been perfect in every way?
No. I am thinking of three things specifically.

1) He was Putin's agent in the oval room.

2) He told tens of thousands of egregious lies, with "stop the steal!" merely being one of the most blatant.

3) He actively, directly and deliberately fomented insurrection. Fortunately his sheer clownishness kept the beer-hall putsch from succeeding.

Amoral is distinct from immoral. Immoral does not only mean something hardtack Baptists would frown at. That was an interesting attempt to emotionalize what I'm saying here.