Trump using separation of families to get funding for his border wall

sounds like liberal propaganda to me (and Lindsey Graham is a RHINO). Try investigating, since the liberal media does not. Look it up in DHS. and you will find the REAL reason why the children are separated
" . Trump using separation of families to get funding for his border wall "

Sounds reasonable. After all, Hillary probably would have just sold immigrant children until she had enough money for the project.

No matter, not really a GOP problem. Created by Democrats who btw also build those Walmart prison camps during there administration!
" . Trump using separation of families to get funding for his border wall "

No matter, not really a GOP problem. Created by Democrats who btw also build those Walmart prison camps during there administration!

Partisan dip shittery aside, given that republicans control government, it is most assuredly a republican problem.

Oh Look! It sure sounds like it's quickly becoming a republican problem

Senior Republicans are attacking Trump's policy of separating families at the US border -- here's how they're turning on the president

Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas): This is "something, as Americans, we shouldn't be doing"

In an op-ed published on Sunday, the former first lady Laura Bush, called the separation policy "cruel," "immoral," and that "it breaks my heart."

Sen. Susan Collins: This is "inconsistent with American values"

Sen. Jeff Flake: We want details on what guards are doing to families at the border

Peter Roskam (R-Illinois): Reverse this policy -- this is "a parent's worst nightmare"

Anthony Scaramucci: Trump is "going to get hurt by this issue"

Evangelical leader Franklin Graham: "Disgraceful," "terrible to see"

US Conference of Catholic Bishops leader: "Separating babies from their mothers is not the answer and is immoral"

As to your statement about this being created by the dems:

What’s not entirely new is locking up families in penal-like facilities, or even “tent cities” for immigrants, including kids. Under George W. Bush, the immigrant-incarceration complex boomed, fueled by policies that put more and more immigrants into detention and prison. As the numbers soared, the Bush administration scrambled to find space. The administration leaned on the private prison industry, which was more than happy to put up shoddy facilities debt-financed by local governments and get paid for warehousing the tired and huddled masses. Texas was the epicenter of this new prison archipelago.

Looks like plenty of blame to go around to me.


" . Trump using separation of families to get funding for his border wall "

Sounds reasonable. After all, Hillary probably would have just sold immigrant children until she had enough money for the project.

No matter, not really a GOP problem. Created by Democrats who btw also build those Walmart prison camps during there administration!
Everything you just said has zero basis in reality
something that really pisses me off is how some conservative comments online point to the fact that 'they are breaking the law' - as if to assume some sort of holier than thou moral high ground......

I see little being said about the history of US interventionism in Central America, and how the economic and social situation in Central America could be attributed to americna intervention. When socialist presidents were democratically elected- the USA actively sent in the CIA and armed and trained paramilitary groups in black market weapons trading, drug trafficking and money laundering. these paramilitary groups operated in central america for a long time with CIA support. When the socialist presidents were overthrown and right-wing dictators took their place- agricultural production was sold off to the highest bidder, which usually involves american conglomerates. these conglomerates flooded the markets with mass produced, chemically enhanced and genetically engineered products that drove millions of farmers out of business. These farmers migrated to cities and without any formal training in anything but with families and a need to, you know, eat..... these farmers turned to the black market the CIA helped set up for a way to support themselves.... fast forward 20 years and these inner cities are full of american weapons, and every other kid joins a gang because that's what the US helped set up there. Instead of allowing the production to remain in the hands of the local populace and allow production to be nationalized... americans decided that the shareholders of a handful of agrobusiness were more important... Americans would rather set up clandestine networks of drug, weapons and human smugglers.... and then these same 'pro-business' conservatives, most of which claim to be christians.... they want to claim a moral high ground based on how these guys aren't following the law....

they're justifying it using the law.....after Americans actually helped set up the very same criminal networks that now threaten with extreme violence every major city in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.... i mean almost 1 out of every 5 males in the poor areas in major urban areas of Honduras will be killed or seriously injured by gang violence.... think about that statistic - who the hell would stay??
sounds like liberal propaganda to me (and Lindsey Graham is a RHINO). Try investigating, since the liberal media does not. Look it up in DHS. and you will find the REAL reason why the children are separated

Because his has not spoken only support for every action of Big Brother Trump:

Lindsey Graham isn’t a real republican. Lindsey Graham has never ever been a real republican.

Partisan dip shittery aside, given that republicans control government, it is most assuredly a republican problem.

Oh Look! It sure sounds like it's quickly becoming a republican problem

Senior Republicans are attacking Trump's policy of separating families at the US border -- here's how they're turning on the president

Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas): This is "something, as Americans, we shouldn't be doing"

In an op-ed published on Sunday, the former first lady Laura Bush, called the separation policy "cruel," "immoral," and that "it breaks my heart."

Sen. Susan Collins: This is "inconsistent with American values"

Sen. Jeff Flake: We want details on what guards are doing to families at the border

Peter Roskam (R-Illinois): Reverse this policy -- this is "a parent's worst nightmare"

Anthony Scaramucci: Trump is "going to get hurt by this issue"

Evangelical leader Franklin Graham: "Disgraceful," "terrible to see"

US Conference of Catholic Bishops leader: "Separating babies from their mothers is not the answer and is immoral"

As to your statement about this being created by the dems:

What’s not entirely new is locking up families in penal-like facilities, or even “tent cities” for immigrants, including kids. Under George W. Bush, the immigrant-incarceration complex boomed, fueled by policies that put more and more immigrants into detention and prison. As the numbers soared, the Bush administration scrambled to find space. The administration leaned on the private prison industry, which was more than happy to put up shoddy facilities debt-financed by local governments and get paid for warehousing the tired and huddled masses. Texas was the epicenter of this new prison archipelago.

Looks like plenty of blame to go around to me.


The policy originated under the Clinton admin