Trump starts a war with Iran

30 years of right wing hate radio and Fux News have worked their magic on facts. Fascist bastards. Really. Realize what is goin on.

I find it amazing the amount of "lemmings" out there. Todays GOP is not even Republican anymore, its authoritarian. If Trump cheats to win again this yr I am seriously considering moving out of the usa. Canada is cleaner, and the average citizen is more civil and reasonable.
if there is any karma left in todays world Iran and its followers will bomb Trump hotels and golf courses. They have said (Iran) they wish no harm to the American citizens, afterall.

In reality they will target our brave troops embedded over there, and Trump thinks the military supports him!!!! Haha he's so dumb.
Hey Jim simple question for you? Would you rather smoke pot and drink whiskey (I’m assuming you do this fairly regularly) in Tel Aviv or Tehran? Good luck with ya fake Irish (blarney) bullshit in any of the Islamic regimes you promote. They’d lock you up and chuck the key and if you had a Muslim name like my “friend” they would execute you.
Well, if I tried to go to Tel Aviv, or Israel in general, they would refuse my entry due to my support for BDS, just like they did to the US Congress people last year, because like Trump, they're terrified of facing the results of their actions.
So no, I wouldn't go to Israel, that POS apartheid nation that has brought NOTHING but hardship & death to/for the USA, like 9/11 for example which was carried out for the Palestinian people according to Osama bin Laden's own words.
So yea, I would go to Tehran personally, but I doubt I would survive long anymore being an American as a result of Trumps actions against Iran.
And as far as being fake Irish, I'm 100% Irish & if you read Irish newspapers & polls you might understand the majority of Irish people feel the same way I do, and that is that Trump is an idiot and Israel is wrong in it's treatment of the Palestinians, which seemly is cool with you
So Zedd, where are you actually from?
Why do I really doubt that?
Have a nice New Year :)