Trump starts a war with Iran

The start of the new Holy Wars.. The right wing Christens have a right to be hopeful this time... Hopeful, hell they should be thankful and proud.. There off to a much better start.. This time, this Holy War has all those Jews up front, and they've got a mushroom cloud.. The Bible thumpers stay home as usual.
I find it amazing the amount of "lemmings" out there. Todays GOP is not even Republican anymore, its authoritarian. If Trump cheats to win again this yr I am seriously considering moving out of the usa. Canada is cleaner, and the average citizen is more civil and reasonable.
Lol good luck with that. They dog our president on how he wants to secure the border and create more security, but canada has the toughest immigration laws in north America. You are not just gonna move there and go on about your business. You will be deported. You won't get free health care and education or money.
Lol good luck with that. They dog our president on how he wants to secure the border and create more security, but canada has the toughest immigration laws in north America. You are not just gonna move there and go on about your business. You will be deported. You won't get free health care and education or money.
then maybe we'll just have to start eliminating the domestic problem internally....
They dog our president on how he wants to secure the border and create more security

That's not what it's about at all. Your president is a racist and bigot (among other things). He is not creating "security". He is creating division and hatred. How many illegal aliens has Trump employed over the years to skirt paying legal wages, or in many cases, wages at all.

but canada has the toughest immigration laws in north America.

We have a very stringent and detailed immigration policy. There's nothing "tough" about it though. How do I know? My wife just got her Canadian Permanent Residency. It took a couple of years, all the while we worked with immigration lawyers to get through the process. Might I ask about your expertise and understanding of the process?

You are not just gonna move there and go on about your business. You will be deported. You won't get free health care and education or money.

You will not be deported. Anybody can enter Canada for up to six months on a visitor's visa, and while on that visa, one can apply for immigration status *while within the country*.

You're right about not receiving free health care, education or money (until status is approved), but why would you expect our system to support anybody who doesn't pay into it? At least you won't be detained without cause, separated from your family and held in deplorable conditions for undetermined amounts of time.

Besides, you being a Trump supporter, you're vehemently against all things social that benefit society, so why does that even concern you. The person you replied to mentioned nothing about moving out of the US to mooch off of anybody, so your point is moot to begin with.

I'll bet you didn't know that Canada opened its borders for compassionate grounds to Vietnam war draftees who were against that conflict, right? Your mighty president, has numerous draft dodges, thanks to his old man having a doctor who lived in one of his buildings, and signed the bone spur defection documents.

You really should not speak on topics of which you clearly have no experience or understanding.

Canada will not deny anyone entry based on race, sex, religion, creed or anything.
Lol good luck with that. They dog our president on how he wants to secure the border and create more security, but canada has the toughest immigration laws in north America. You are not just gonna move there and go on about your business. You will be deported. You won't get free health care and education or money.
Speaking of healthcare, your hero* said everyone will have great heslthcare at a fraction of the price and it will be so easy

but premiums are skyrocketing and millions have lost insurance

what’s up with that, grandma fox news?

Speaking of healthcare, your hero* said everyone will have great heslthcare at a fraction of the price and it will be so easy

but premiums are skyrocketing and millions have lost insurance

what’s up with that, grandma fox news?


That, and despite Trump's promises, pharmaceuticals continue their disgusting price hikes, and oddly, the United States has the highest pharmaceutical drug use on the planet. Coincidence?
Surely you’re not suggesting trump* lied to us


I'm not trying to imply or suggest anything. As I said earlier in this thread, I deal in facts. It's up to the reader to sort out for themselves their own opinion. Some do that better than others ;)
Speaking of healthcare, your hero* said everyone will have great heslthcare at a fraction of the price and it will be so easy

but premiums are skyrocketing and millions have lost insurance

what’s up with that, grandma fox news?

That's from Obamacare. If you remember right they tried to fix it but there was a few trump hating Republicans that killed the bill. John McCain was one of them before he died
That's not what it's about at all. Your president is a racist and bigot (among other things). He is not creating "security". He is creating division and hatred. How many illegal aliens has Trump employed over the years to skirt paying legal wages, or in many cases, wages at all.

We have a very stringent and detailed immigration policy. There's nothing "tough" about it though. How do I know? My wife just got her Canadian Permanent Residency. It took a couple of years, all the while we worked with immigration lawyers to get through the process. Might I ask about your expertise and understanding of the process?

You will not be deported. Anybody can enter Canada for up to six months on a visitor's visa, and while on that visa, one can apply for immigration status *while within the country*.

You're right about not receiving free health care, education or money (until status is approved), but why would you expect our system to support anybody who doesn't pay into it? At least you won't be detained without cause, separated from your family and held in deplorable conditions for undetermined amounts of time.

Besides, you being a Trump supporter, you're vehemently against all things social that benefit society, so why does that even concern you. The person you replied to mentioned nothing about moving out of the US to mooch off of anybody, so your point is moot to begin with.

I'll bet you didn't know that Canada opened its borders for compassionate grounds to Vietnam war draftees who were against that conflict, right? Your mighty president, has numerous draft dodges, thanks to his old man having a doctor who lived in one of his buildings, and signed the bone spur defection documents.

You really should not speak on topics of which you clearly have no experience or understanding.

Canada will not deny anyone entry based on race, sex, religion, creed or anything.
That's from Obamacare. If you remember right they tried to fix it but there was a few trump hating Republicans that killed the bill. John McCain was one of them before he died
premiums rose slower than ever before under Obamacare and millions upon millions of people gained insurance

then trump* started to sabotage it and premiums skyrocketed and millions lost insurance

why isn’t repealing Obamacare even on trumps campaign website anymore?

Americans are always moaning about Americans & whos the most American American.
Some context for ya
You truly are an American hating comi.
I love how you people from other countries are so smart without a dog in the fight and know so much.
Shut the fuck up. You never wore boots and carried a fucking rifle. You have no family in Iraq. You're the interloping foreigner with no dog in the fight. You're only here to defend Trump, ya dumb fucking chickenhawk.
And American boys from poor families who join the infantry because it seems to be the easiest route to upward mobility.
Mine joined because they said he couldn't. No joke. He fought for 4 yrs to get through MEPS due to previous Cancer diagnosis. He wouldn't take no for answer.
He completed OSUT last yr.
Tough kid!
I was in the navy 45 years ago- I voted for Carter

Its NOT about who's more American. Its about some Trump lovin asshole disrespecting the Vets here and trying to school everyone about the wars the in ME....completely oblivious to the fact that some have kids that are currently active duty while others have kids with MOS in these very regions.
A lot of other Vets that post here too @doublejj @whitebb2727 @Olive Drab Green

This is just a couple of snips from the last few pages. Her posting history is full of this nonsense.
She's a stupid twat.
But, there is a solution to her woes.....
Army recruiter.jpg
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premiums rose slower than ever before under Obamacare and millions upon millions of people gained insurance

then trump* started to sabotage it and premiums skyrocketed and millions lost insurance

why isn’t repealing Obamacare even on trumps campaign website anymore?

Trump did nothing to the current healthcare. Your delusional.

I fail to see what you're trying to say. You supply a single article and pass that off as knowledge? You didn't even quote anything from it to form a point. You don't have an argument.

This just circles right back to exceptionalism and division. What you're attempting, but failing to do is find any deficiency in anything at all to defend your exceptionalism and "we're better than THEM" attitude.

If you're going to debate something, debate it with known and well understood facts. I know that's not possible with people like yourself, so I won't hold my breath.


From the article you posted:
"Canada's floor is America's ceiling"

"the movement of people into the country has generally been so law-abiding and orderly as to be uncontroversial and barely newsworthy. Canada, unlike the U.S., is a country where nearly all arrivals come in through the front door, in the open, during daylight hours. "

Trump: "Hire 2000 more ICE officers, build wall and make Mexico pay for it, split up families seeking refuge in the US and kill their children"

Your link contradicted your statements. Lmao