Trump starts a war with Iran

You want me to prove that Suleimani was the architect of the Iraq insurgency? You don't even seem to know that there are different sects of Islam who hate each other. Do you even know anything about the Iraq war?

Bro, do some homework before you comment. I know who I fought against in Iraq and I know whose mangled bodies I had to remove from blast sites in Iraq. I am your source. This is your link.
Thank you for your service. Did you get hurt?
Thank you for your service. Did you get hurt?
This conversation hurts. Knowing that despite the heavy costs of our invasions, not a single positive result can be cited and millions of lives are ruined or lost, is extremely painful. Knowing that people that I care deeply about will bear the brunt of this burden are treated as fodder and deceived is constantly painful. The physical harm I have endured is my burden which I have accepted when I enlisted.
The 6 day war was fought between Israel and the following countries: Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Algeria, Syria (was ruled by Arab minority at the time).
Which countries mentioned had boot's on the ground, like combat troops that took causalities?
Oh, you forgot Iran!
That's right!
Iran has never attacked Israel vs. Israel has directly attack Iran
Iran is a diversion & a scapegoat for Trump.
Very fucking simple
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Which countries mentioned had boot's on the ground, like combat troops that took causalities?
Just say what you want to say about Israel. I'm not Israeli, I'm American. I can't stop antisemitic conspiracy theories from taking the spotlight nor do I have any interest in doing so. I told you what happened in the 6 day war and I object to the notion that Israel is "humanity's biggest threat".

Israel is not directing world affairs or American politics. Jewish lobbyists are almost all if not 100% US citizens.

Thousands of Jews live in Tehran.
Your funny.
Israel has been a driving force since it's inception in 1948 in the politics of the US and if you don't realize that you live in a cocoon
Sorry, I don't own a funny.

So the US is turning the Middle East into hell because Israel. Thanks, guy (goy).
This conversation hurts. Knowing that despite the heavy costs of our invasions, not a single positive result can be cited and millions of lives are ruined or lost, is extremely painful. Knowing that people that I care deeply about will bear the brunt of this burden are treated as fodder and deceived is constantly painful. The physical harm I have endured is my burden which I have accepted when I enlisted.
I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you. Would it be to much of an imposition if I asked to see your metals? I unfortunately missed Them when you posted them before. My grandfather was a top naval officer for Poland and spent many years away from my father During the war.
I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you. Would it be to much of an imposition if I asked to see your metals? I unfortunately missed Them when you posted them before. My grandfather was a top naval officer for Poland and spent many years away from my father During the war.
You didn't upset me, one person almost did but only because he told a Canadian not to have an opinion. I never showed off any medals. I actually threw them all on the Capitol steps years ago even before I was a memer of this site. I showed my DD214 to the site's top admin who is also a veteran and from my home city. That's as far as I'm willing to go to verify anything about my "service".
I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you. Would it be to much of an imposition if I asked to see your metals? I unfortunately missed Them when you posted them before. My grandfather was a top naval officer for Poland and spent many years away from my father During the war.
Don't do it.
It will be used against you.
It will be twisted around and made dirty, prolly by Unk first, then the rest of the posse will jump in.
You deserve to be treated with more respect than that.
Don't do it.
Don't do it.
It will be used against you.
It will be twisted around and made dirty, prolly by Unk first, then the rest of the posse will jump in.
You deserve to be treated with more respect than that.
Don't do it.
It was harmless and common question, most vets are used to it and some, like myself find it awkward, but not offensive. She asked and I answered. No need for it to go beyond that.
Which countries mentioned had boot's on the ground, like combat troops that took causalities?
Oh, you forgot Iran!
That's right!
Iran has never attacked Israel vs. Israel has directly attack Iran
Iran is a diversion & a scapegoat for Trump.
Very fucking simple
Hey Jim simple question for you? Would you rather smoke pot and drink whiskey (I’m assuming you do this fairly regularly) in Tel Aviv or Tehran? Good luck with ya fake Irish (blarney) bullshit in any of the Islamic regimes you promote. They’d lock you up and chuck the key and if you had a Muslim name like my “friend” they would execute you.