I dunno, I imagine the gas prices will peak just because of a flareup; but, we have done this before. Every president since Kennedy has had to kick a little ass somewhere. The world got through it somehow.
Speaking of Kennedy ... remember that October when he told the second most powerful nuclear country in the world that if they sent ships beyond our blockade, he'd sink em? And Kruschiev went to the UN and pounded his shoe on the podium and screamed "we will bury you"? What a circus.
What Kennedy did was against international law, but he said he didn't GAF and that this is just the way it's going to be so sue me. Kinda Trumpesque?
And it changed history.
Sometimes a country, or a person, has to draw a line. But we have to be careful, because once drawn, you can't blink. If you draw the line, you have to defend it. And that's something that American politicians have forgotten. Guts.
Well, Trump is not a politician.
We'll see how it turns out. It's done.