Trump starts a war with Iran

"Donald Trump won WWIII" actual quote from actual retard that you agree with.

IRAQ IS IRAN'S COURT. They won it, in war against the US after we toppled Hussein for them.

Fucking delicate snowflake you are...
Taking his WW3 comment so literally.

Ok, so in this current situation we are bringing up current events from a decade ago.
I'm a delicate snowflake for thinking the idea of calling someone a retard is simply low. Win an discussion without insults. They don't make you look stronger.
Did anyone watch Trumps stump speech this afternoon?
Still talking shit, which is no surprise, but I really loved how Orange Man's face paint looked on the national/world stage.
Do you think the make-up artist was fucking with him, or did he do it himself?
Check out the right side of that dumb fuck's face.
I found it funny :)
I'm a delicate snowflake for thinking the idea of calling someone a retard is simply low. Win an discussion without insults. They don't make you look stronger.
Taking my retard comment so literally

Ok, so in this current comment we are bringing up comments from the previous page?
Taking his WW3 comment so literally.

Ok, so in this current situation we are bringing up current events from a decade ago.
I'm going to give you a sympathy like. You're special.
Dude, we can have this discussion. I don't mind.

The invasion of Iraq was a win for Iran. 100% agree. The ball is in Iran court is a way of saying (pretty sure it's a common way ) it is their turn
Dude, we can have this discussion. I don't mind.

The invasion of Iraq was a win for Iran. 100% agree. The ball is in Iran court is a way of saying (pretty sure it's a common way ) it is their turn
I said that exact thing in this thread yesterday. Now that you've made so many dumb comments and been called a retard, you're just repeating me to salvage what you can and try to seem smarter. It doesn't mean Trump won anything. He just stabbed the Kurds in the back and undid all of Iraq's progress toward stability as a fucking publicity stunt for reelection.

Iran controls Hormuz, 1.17 billion dollars of oil per day goes through it.

Only a fucking retard would cheer for that and continue to support him.
I'm no foreign policy expert. I simply find it funny when the appeasement gang wets their pants over WWIII occurring because we punched a bully in the nose. :mrgreen:
I said that exact thing in this thread yesterday. Now that you've made so many dumb comments and been called a retard, you're just repeating me to salvage what you can and try to seem smarter. It doesn't mean Trump won anything. He just stabbed the Kurds in the back and undid all of Iraq's progress toward stability as a fucking publicity stunt for reelection.

Lol. Really hard to have a discussion with you. You are turning it away from the discussion of Trump beginning WW3. Getting defensive over my agreeing with you as well.

Only a fucking retard would cheer for that and continue to support him.
I support the country. Don't care about Trump at all or support him (outside of the fact he is POTUS)
Lol. Really hard to have a discussion with you. You are turning it away from the discussion of Trump beginning WW3. Getting defensive over my agreeing with you as well.

I support the country. Don't care about Trump at all or support him (outside of the fact he is POTUS)
Oh we don't agree. We just share a premise but your conclusion (that Trump won WWIII) is nonsequitur and retarded.

You're crying because I called a retard a retard, retard. You're still crying about it. Soldier up, dude, homey...

Weren't you in the screaming chickens? You can take it.
I said that exact thing in this thread yesterday. Now that you've made so many dumb comments and been called a retard, you're just repeating me to salvage what you can and try to seem smarter. It doesn't mean Trump won anything. He just stabbed the Kurds in the back and undid all of Iraq's progress toward stability as a fucking publicity stunt for reelection.

Iran controls Hormuz, 1.17 billion dollars of oil per day goes through it.

Only a fucking retard would cheer for that and continue to support him.

We are talking about Trump beginning WW3. I can't say I support or not him killing the general, I don't know everything. I can say we haven't yet seen who comes out ahead of this situation. I'm not trying to argue with you that Trump is good shit, or that his past moves have ever been good shit. I joined this thread to discuss the current situation of us going to war with Iran.

Oh we don't agree. We just share a premise but your conclusion (that Trump won WWIII) is nonsequitur and retarded.

You're crying because I called a retard a retard, retard. You're still crying about it. Soldier up, dude, homey...

Weren't you in the screaming chickens? You can take it.

WW3 never happened. He didn't win it, the guy made that post but try to think about it harder. Trump did not lose after that speech. He deescalated the situation, making himself look better. I can appreciate the move. It is now Iran's turn to attempt to either make us look worse or escalate the situation.

I have issues with being called a retard. I was letting you know it makes YOU look like a child in an adult conversation. We can try to measure dick size if we want but in the end it doesn't matter. I am thoroughly enjoying our conversation for the sake of arguing.