Well-Known Member
you fucking idiot, do you think this is going to be a conventional war? iran has been a breeding ground for terrorist for longer than any of us has been alive...they will attack in civilian clothes, they will use dirty bomb, poisons, attacks on infrastructure...there will be no "war front"...the entire country will be a war front...OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY, not theirs.....
there will be a military confrontation at some point, if no one steps in and bitch slaps trump back into line...but that will not be the real fight...the real fight will be with terrorists who are already in our country, who already have been working together for just this eventuality...expect the first major terrorist attack any day now...and more to follow soon
Calm down sir. The war isn't coming to your front door. The ENTIRE world is against having a large confrontation. All of Iran's allies, are against a major confrontation. All of our allies are against a major confrontation. Should Iran bring the war straight to our door, what is it you think their military commanders think the reaction from the USA will be? It would be entirely insane. There is a reason we spend $600 billion+ on defense spending, compared to the rest of the world spending less than $250 billion. No-one ACTUALLY wants that fight. Everyone will go out of their way to stop a real war from happening. This includes countries like N. Korea and Iran. They don't actually want a full blown war, and unconventional or not, they still dont want a full blown war. They want to posture and show they "aren't" scared of the big bad USA. They want to say they stood up to the terrible imperialistic state. That is all.
If terrorist attacks begin in the USA, the response would be to attack whatever home country originated the attacks. Reason? To keep it away from our own front door. Its better to fight in the neighbors yard than your own.