Trump signs resolution killing rule intended to prevent racial bias in auto lending


Alex Jones redux. Former astrologer, Caitlin Jones.

Is it funny or sad that they can treat the above as a credible news source while accusing others of living in an echo chamber?

Both I suppose.

is what progressive Democrats are up against.

The so called Progressives, people whom I call liberal idealists and tangren555 calls ultra left lunatics, Pad, sky and tty bought into the "DNC-Clinton cheated" story the moment we heard anything about it.. The facts that came out later were ignored. The cling to this story no matter how silly it is in light of facts.

Not that they are unique. Trumptards do the same thing.
I feel Bernie along with others should create their own platform. There is no need for him to be a democrat come election year and then be 100% progressive once the season is over. Bernie could have ran Independent but instead he told his backers to support Clinton after he lost. Why aren't Bernie supporters upset with the guy for telling them to back someone/ a party they don't fully agree with?

Because there are rules when you run for president. Hillary alleviated Bernes platform from him as well.
Because there are rules when you run for president. Hillary alleviated Bernes platform from him as well.

Bernie is gonna have to run on his own platform if he plans to enter the 2020 race. There is no way democrats are going to give him the nominee over one of their own.
Bernie is gonna have to run on his own platform if he plans to enter the 2020 race. There is no way democrats are going to give him the nominee over one of their own.
I think Sanders is more than likely going to run on the Democratic ticket again in 2020. As of now, he has a few establishment challengers, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, but none of them poll as popular as Sanders and none of them push progressive policies most Americans support like Sanders. I think Biden is probably his toughest opponent, but he loses on policy issues. He'd be riding Obama's coattails in the hopes progressives don't show up to vote, which they will in 2020, especially if Sanders is running.

Unless Democrats push progressive policy, they won't earn the largest voting bloc's support; millennials. They simply won't excite the base enough to come out to change the control of the house/senate
I think Sanders is more than likely going to run on the Democratic ticket again in 2020. As of now, he has a few establishment challengers, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, but none of them poll as popular as Sanders and none of them push progressive policies most Americans support like Sanders. I think Biden is probably his toughest opponent, but he loses on policy issues. He'd be riding Obama's coattails in the hopes progressives don't show up to vote, which they will in 2020, especially if Sanders is running.

Unless Democrats push progressive policy, they won't earn the largest voting bloc's support; millennials. They simply won't excite the base enough to come out to change the control of the house/senate
He can't win the Democratic Party ticket. He killed his chances on April 4 in Jackson Mississippi
publix subs are something I definitely miss about FL. I was never discriminated at the counter though
I was at that counter for lunch two days out of every three for the whole 9 months I lived there. Never once saw any sign of discrimination.

I was discriminated against for riding a bicycle to a drive thru window on the regular, though. They said it was a security issue. I remember the guy behind me got my order for me and wouldn't take my money for it. Not everyone in South Florida was an asshole.

Yes, I was that poor the whole time I lived there. It's why I left; I could never get ahead
I stated facts you can't address because they expose your hypocrisy. You care when the election is influenced against you when Trump does it, but you support Clinton influencing the election against Sanders. So it's clear, given the evidence, that it's not the subversion of democracy that bothers you, it's the subversion of democracy when it affects the candidate you support that bothers you.

It sucks when one candidate unfairly influences the outcome of the election against you, doesn't it?

You bought it
What gets me is his unflinching support for a party that fucks him every chance it gets.

Talk about hypocrisy...
Democrats are the progressives, have been the 45 years I've been voting.

You're in an ultra left lunatic fringe without anywhere near enough support to get anything but a whining party.
Shit. If you think the Democratic Party are progressive then we don't have anything to discuss; you're stuck in an alternate reality.
Is this a bad thing? Sounds like obummer was abusing his power again. Also banks don't discriminate, if there are racial differences in lending practices they are justified in some way or another... laws need to be passed legislatively, not by the executive or judicial!
WASHINGTON — Auto dealers will once again be allowed to mark up the interest rates on auto loans to sell their cars — a practice critics say is racially discriminatory — after President Trump signed a bill striking down a rule discouraging the practice.

The Obama administration adopted the rule in 2013 in response to reports that black and Hispanic car buyers were paying higher interest rates on their loans than white car buyers. These "indirect" loans come from a third-party financial institution, which returns part of that higher interest rate back to the car dealership.

Lenders and car dealers say that system gives salesmen the flexibility they need to offer discounted auto loans to their best customers.

It's the 16th time Trump has signed a resolution to strike down a regulation under the Congressional Review Act, a formerly obscure law that allows Congress to have the final say over agency regulations.

The auto lending rule broke new ground, however, because it had been on the books for five years and wasn't technically a regulation.

Instead, it was a lower-level guidance document explaining how the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection would enforce the anti-discrimination provisions of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

Ordinarily, Congress has 60 legislative days to overturn a rule under the Congressional Review Act, or it goes into effect. But because it was a guidance document, it didn't go through the normal regulatory process.

Car dealers, lenders and and other interested groups never had the chance to provide comments on the rule, and the Obama administration never submitted it to Congress for review.

It was only after prodding from Sen. Patrick Toomey, R-Pa., that the Government Accountability Office determined that the guidance was actually a rule and submitted it to Congress for review, allowing an up-or-down vote without possibility of a Senate filibuster.

The House voted to repeal the rule 234 to 175, and the Senate 51 to 47. Both votes were largely along party lines, with Democrats voting to keep the rule

First step back to Trump properties putting a ‘B’ next to apartment applicants name..
Shit. If you think the Democratic Party are progressive then we don't have anything to discuss; you're stuck in an alternate reality.
Bernie isn't progressive. He's made no progress at all as a Senator. Unless you want to cheer solar water heaters on a few federal buildings as an accomplishment on the order of the ACA.

You guys have butchered the word. When you say progressive in your post you really mean liberal idealist.

This is where you reply back with some ad hominem logical fallacy.
Is this a bad thing? Sounds like obummer was abusing his power again. Also banks don't discriminate, if there are racial differences in lending practices they are justified in some way or another... laws need to be passed legislatively, not by the executive or judicial!
Banks don't discriminate. People do.
Banks don't discriminate. People do.
Its not up to loan officers discretion to approve loans, they just determine if someone qualifies or not. The criteria for qualification are very well defined, little is left to an individuals 'judgement'. Banks want to lend money, its how they make money themselves. There is no incentive for them to not loan to someone based upon skin color, its simple risk/reward determination for them.
Its not up to loan officers discretion to approve loans, they just determine if someone qualifies or not. The criteria for qualification are very well defined, little is left to an individuals 'judgement'. Banks want to lend money, its how they make money themselves. There is no incentive for them to not loan to someone based upon skin color, its simple risk/reward determination for them.
You cling to a belief that's proven to be false.
I don't know if it is pertinent but wow racism really is stupid. It bothers me in the centre of my being. I am glad to live in Canada where shit like this doesn't happen. I am white but my kid is black like pavement. He is my son and I love him and anyone who will take away any right of his will meet the holy wrath of dad. If a cop pulls you over you to that son.
I think Sanders is more than likely going to run on the Democratic ticket again in 2020. As of now, he has a few establishment challengers, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, but none of them poll as popular as Sanders and none of them push progressive policies most Americans support like Sanders. I think Biden is probably his toughest opponent, but he loses on policy issues. He'd be riding Obama's coattails in the hopes progressives don't show up to vote, which they will in 2020, especially if Sanders is running.

Unless Democrats push progressive policy, they won't earn the largest voting bloc's support; millennials. They simply won't excite the base enough to come out to change the control of the house/senate
then millennials own trump, so they can stop bitching about him.....little sh*ts
Is this a bad thing? Sounds like obummer was abusing his power again. Also banks don't discriminate, if there are racial differences in lending practices they are justified in some way or another... laws need to be passed legislatively, not by the executive or judicial!

yeah, racism is imaginary, good argument
I don't know if it is pertinent but wow racism really is stupid. It bothers me in the centre of my being. I am glad to live in Canada where shit like this doesn't happen. I am white but my kid is black like pavement. He is my son and I love him and anyone who will take away any right of his will meet the holy wrath of dad. If a cop pulls you over you to that son.
golly you are dumb