Trump signs resolution killing rule intended to prevent racial bias in auto lending

You believe the outcome of the 2016 election was influenced by Russia, right?

It's an indisputable fact the 2016 Democratic primary was influenced by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic establishment

-the DNC fed the Clinton campaign debate questions beforehand
-the Clinton campaign funded the DNC since 2015 and had control over all financial and media aspects prior to the primary
-the Clinton campaign had exclusive access to sources in the mainstream media while the Sanders campaign was explicitly denied access
-etc. That's influencing the election..

So unless you're being intellectually dishonest about the pearl clutching being about the actual subversion of Democracy and not the candidate doing the subverting, you would feel the same way about Clinton stealing the Democratic primary as you do about Trump stealing the general, but you don't..

So take the crocodile tears elsewhere and stop wasting my time

Brazile: I found no evidence Democratic primary was rigged

Bernie didn't win the Black, Hispanic and Women's vote in any meaningful majority. The only group that Bernie polled well with was white men. Your theory doesn't account for the fact of an unequal response to him. Theories should at least fit the facts, don't you think?

Here's mine. Not just mine but the one that makes more sense. Bernie lost because he couldn't win the Black, Hispanic and Women's vote in any meaningful majority. He's repeating his past mistakes too.
goddamn, all you did was cry in that post.

Nothing unusual.

Waaaaah, Bernie got cheated. By 16 fucking percent in my state. And nobody twisted my arm one way or the other.

But did you watch the video?
I stated facts you can't address because they expose your hypocrisy. You care when the election is influenced against you when Trump does it, but you support Clinton influencing the election against Sanders. So it's clear, given the evidence, that it's not the subversion of democracy that bothers you, it's the subversion of democracy when it affects the candidate you support that bothers you.

It sucks when one candidate unfairly influences the outcome of the election against you, doesn't it?

You bought it
I stated facts you can't address because they expose your hypocrisy. You care when the election is influenced against you when Trump does it, but you support Clinton influencing the election against Sanders. So it's clear, given the evidence, that it's not the subversion of democracy that bothers you, it's the subversion of democracy when it affects the candidate you support that bothers you.

It sucks when one candidate unfairly influences the outcome of the election against you, doesn't it?

You bought it

Foreign interference from an adversarial gov't. trying to influence an American election vs. party politics.

Duct tape mentality.
Id say if anyone cheaed the Dems it was barnie. Split the party and filled young people's heads full of fairy tales. Barnie will not get my vote this next election
Bernie benefited from using DNC infrastructure and didn't pay for it. In order to gain access to the valuable DNC databases, he agreed to conduct joint fundraising events with the DNC. He never did.

Bernie leeched off the DNC then left it with lyme disease.
I feel Bernie along with others should create their own platform. There is no need for him to be a democrat come election year and then be 100% progressive once the season is over. Bernie could have ran Independent but instead he told his backers to support Clinton after he lost. Why aren't Bernie supporters upset with the guy for telling them to back someone/ a party they don't fully agree with?
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Democrats are the progressives, have been the 45 years I've been voting.

You're in an ultra left lunatic fringe without anywhere near enough support to get anything but a whining party.

Alex Jones redux. Former astrologer, Caitlin Jones.

Is it funny or sad that they can treat the above as a credible news source while accusing others of living in an echo chamber?

Both I suppose.