• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
His ratings got the boost when he started this birther bullshit.

And the same thing that got him favorable polling is going to be the same thing that will destroy him in a general election.

He's going to pay a big price for being the mouth piece of the racist wing of the republican party.

The extreme right is going to lose this next election for the republicans. That's why no republican worth a damn is going to run. Any republican that could win a general election will be too liberal to win a republican primary.

You know who really scares Obama supporters? People like Colin Powell and Michael Bloomberg. Of course they know they are too liberal to win republican primaries, so they have the good sense not to run. The far right wing has taken control of the republican party and they will insure that no viable republican will run.

Thanks far right wingers! Mission accomplished!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Yep. Keep making fun of the moderates in your party, vote for the far right instead. Keep up the good work! Thanks for supporting Obama!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I just thought I'd post those. :D Thought they were funny. I do not explicitly stay out of nor endorse politics. I say down with it all. Who says a man can't speak for himself?


Well-Known Member
The more Trump does interviews the more he seems to either flip flop or simple have no clue...He's a con guy fooling all the fools...and to the OP if you really think that the left is afraid of Trump you are so wrong...That would guarantee an Obama victory. I agree with Dan Kone that I would fear Colin Powell more...and we know the right is to right to nominate him...OBAMA 2012

ink the world

Well-Known Member
The quote that I saw today from 1987 where he tooled on Reagan made me laugh...O M G, did he really go there? Seriously I asked my wife if I misheard what I thought I heard, nope he said something like "Reagan really dropped the ball."

He's attacked Romney and some of the other candidates, has flip flop issues on abortion and now the Reagan stuff is coming out. Whats next? He gonna burn a Bible while preforming an abortion live on The Apprentice finale?:dunce:

LOL yeah Jeff, the Left and Moderates are really shaking in their boots. Republicans meet your Ralph Nader if he actually runs, the Republican field is so diluted already that Trump would really be a game changer. I still dont see him doing it, but the Republicans are fooked if he does. Romney will grab the moderate and sane Repub. vote, Trump will cull the Birthers and the "keep the govts. hands off my medicare" idiot types.

He might do well in primaries, but in a general election he'd get smoked.


New Member
Send in the Trump., He'd get killed by at least 20 Points, although he has a few better Ideas that the usual repukes threatining to run. Only repuke I'd like to see run is Ron Paul, but the other repukes won't let him in the club. Probably because he'd rewrite our foriegn policy that makes so many friends of repukes so filthy rich. The game is Over for the repukes. Ryan assured that prospect with his privatization of medicare bullshit and the piling on by the rest of the cloneheads, They've sealed their 2012 fate, it will be a landslide for the dems. You heard it here first. Dems take back the house and gain 3-5 seats in the senate, Obama wins by a landslide, hoooyaaa motherfuckers, hoooyaaa!


Well-Known Member
The more Trump does interviews the more he seems to either flip flop or simple have no clue...He's a con guy fooling all the fools...and to the OP if you really think that the left is afraid of Trump you are so wrong...That would guarantee an Obama victory. I agree with Dan Kone that I would fear Colin Powell more...and we know the right is to right to nominate him...OBAMA 2012
You will vote for him then, he flip flops, remember when you said the wise man flip flops on issues?

“A wise man changes his mind, a fool never”
Yet here you are denouncing the guy for what you consider to be very wise. I guess flip flopping is only good when Democrats do it?


Well-Known Member
no I said a wise man can change his mind...don't make yourself look stupid for the sake of wanting to start an argument...big difference in changing ones mind when getting all the facts then someone flip flopping on the issue just to win votes...if you don't know the difference please don't vote...again Trump is fooling only the fools...does he have you too ?????


Well-Known Member
man you guys... watch out for Ron Paul. wolf in sheep's clothing. know who one of his biggest supporters is? Thats Right! The Good ol John Birch Society! that's why he and alex jones suck each other's dicks so much, although paul's backed off a little from jones now that the election is looming. don't know who the JBS is? ask any older black person who they are... it's the same membership roster as the klan. go figure... the fact that he supports legalization of marijuana scares the shit outta me cuz he could garner alot of support on just that one issue. the fact that he is opposed to the Federal Reserve terrifies me; cuz so am i.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
man you guys... watch out for Ron Paul. wolf in sheep's clothing. know who one of his biggest supporters is? Thats Right! The Good ol John Birch Society! that's why he and alex jones suck each other's dicks so much, although paul's backed off a little from jones now that the election is looming. don't know who the JBS is? ask any older black person who they are... it's the same membership roster as the klan. go figure... the fact that he supports legalization of marijuana scares the shit outta me cuz he could garner alot of support on just that one issue. the fact that he is opposed to the Federal Reserve terrifies me; cuz so am i.
this is one of the most ignorant posts to have ever appeared in this forum. The writer obviously has never attended a JBS meeting or read their publication "The New American." The JBS is not about race. On the contrary, the JBS is all about preserving the Constitution, promoting a smaller central government and promoting states rights.They promote capitalism, free markets, freedom and liberty. Here's a link to their site. Try to find one ... just one racist comment. Come on bobbypyn, I dare ya! http://www.thenewamerican.com/


Well-Known Member
this is one of the most ignorant posts to have ever appeared in this forum. The writer obviously has never attended a JBS meeting or read their publication "The New American." The JBS is not about race. On the contrary, the JBS is all about preserving the Constitution, promoting a smaller central government and promoting states rights.They promote capitalism, free markets, freedom and liberty. Here's a link to their site. Try to find one ... just one racist comment. Come on bobbypyn, I dare ya! http://www.thenewamerican.com/
eau contraire, my good friend! they are far wiser now than to openly espouse their racist agendas. Of course I wont find anything racist in their lit over the past 20 years, but I know former members; OLD ONES, and they know the truth about Birchers!!

just for starters, let's examine the JBS's ardent opposition to the Civil Rights movement shall we? counterpoint?


Well-Known Member
The phrase "legislation by judicial fiat," was widely interpreted within the JBS as opposition to federal assistance to the goals of the civil rights movement over the objections of persons insisting that state's rights should supersede federal laws. During its heyday in the mid-1960s the Birch response to the civil rights movement and urban unrest was to launch two "campaigns under the banners of Support Your Local Police, and Expose The 'Civil Rights' Fraud.

The "Support Your Local Police" campaign opposed the use of federal officers to enforce civil rights laws. "[T]he Communist press of America has been screaming for years to have local police forces discredited, shunted aside, or disbanded and replaced by Federal Marshals or similar agents and personnel of a national federalized police force," one article complained. Another reason articulated for opposing the civil rights movement was that it was a creation of Communists, and Birch members were urged to "Show the communist hands behind it."

you sir, are sadly misinformed about the history of this organization you so openly endorse.

dare: accepted.
history and the truth? on MY side
winner? ME :)


Well-Known Member
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”

- Sinclair Lewis, It Can’t Happen Here.


Charlie Ventura

Active Member
I Am an "Old Bircher." Not once had I ever heard a racist comment at any Bircher meeting, nor have I read racists comments in any of their literature either. Now granted, I was not a Bircher in the 1960s ... at that time I was a delusional Democrat who believed that federal interference into the business of the states was a good thing ... including federal troops in the states to enforce federal civil rights laws. Yep, I actually believed that the more power given the federal government, the better. Yep, I loved the regulators, the bureaucrats, the tax enforcers, the BATF, the DEA and the IRS. Then, one day a friend introduced me to a big, fat, 1100 page book, and ever since I have been asking: Who's John Galt? :)

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”

- Sinclair Lewis, It Can’t Happen Here.

[COLOR="blue"]Fascism HAS come to America. It was wrapped in the flag of "Hope and Change."

Who owns General Motors? And ... how much tax did GE pay on that 14 Billion profit they made last year?[/COLOR]


Well-Known Member
ok, first of all let's be clear about the definition of fascism: never let it be said that I eschew all authority; in the matter of fascism, I defer to the OG of fascism- Signor Benito Mussolini, who said “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." Are you so media blinded that you can't see that it's the blood sucking globalist corporations who gleefully trade with our sworn enemy that support the right wing and vice versa!?!?! and if you want to get to Constitutional on me, then corporations are illegal; period. gee... "States Rights"... where have I heard that before... OH YEAH!! the Civil Fucking War!!! that's the oldest facade for racism that exists in this fine Republic. I'm not a democrat either; i know all about the dixiecrats & their shenanigans.
"liberty without socialism is privilege and injustice; socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality" Mikhail Bakunin- the Original Anti-Marxist
the far right is being manipulated. plain & simple, by the very people they decry!