Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.


Well-Known Member
I'm a solid conservative, and Trump scares me too! If his campaign goes anywhere I suspect it will end up helping Obama get reelected, and IMHO this country can not and will not withstand the reelection of this Marxist p.o.s.


Well-Known Member
are you high or stupid..maybe both....first If you don't know the difference between a wise man changing his mind once getting facts or additional facts and someone flip flopping on the issue you need not it seems like you want to argue so I'm going to give you want you came for .. The Quote is " a wise man can change his mind a fool never does" yes thats what I said and I stick by it...Trump is a con man not a wise man..he is a clown performing...I'm sorry that you think he is a great wise man and you are ready to vote for him, but he is fooling you guys for he will never actually put his hat in the ring..This is only a stunt to get ratings and seal the contract for his show I guess you might say " hell that is wise" and I say playing with Americas emotions just to renew a freakin TV show is not wise but selfish and foolish. Further more when you hear him interview and see that he does not understand what privacy interpreted in the Constitution has to do with Roe v Wade shows how unwise he is. The Court decided that a right to privacy under the due process clause in the 14th amendment extends to a woman's decision to have an abortion. now once again "A wise man changes his mind, a fool never"...Now my assumption is you think Trump is a wise man...I don't..being rich don't make you wise.
Im in favor of trump? You must not read the threads you post in. Which completely explains why you never have anything intelligent to say on the subject matter. Trump is a joke. How do you feel posting what must be your longest post ever and it is all for naught?


Well-Known Member
I question the use of your Avatar. Is that you or are you exploiting the disabled for attention?
She doesn't look disabled, she looks grossly obese and fat. Consuming too many calories is a personality issue, not a medical issue.


Well-Known Member
Im in favor of trump? You must not read the threads you post in. Which completely explains why you never have anything intelligent to say on the subject matter. Trump is a joke. How do you feel posting what must be your longest post ever and it is all for naught?
just admit you looked for an argument only to find yourself looking stupid...but I guess people who say "I think Obama was born here, but I still want to see his birth papers" are so confused they don't realize that most of their arguments are well ...:dunce:

You will vote for him then, he flip flops, remember when you said the wise man flip flops on issues?
Let me show you the quote one more time so you won't make a fool out of yourself again.."A wise man changes his mind, a fool never"... do you see the word flip you don't don't add words to make your argument...kinda makes you look like one of those teabaggers who wants "Government out of their Medicaid":hump:

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
ok, first of all let's be clear about the definition of fascism: never let it be said that I eschew all authority; in the matter of fascism, I defer to the OG of fascism- Signor Benito Mussolini, who said “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." Are you so media blinded that you can't see that it's the blood sucking globalist corporations who gleefully trade with our sworn enemy that support the right wing and vice versa!?!?! and if you want to get to Constitutional on me, then corporations are illegal; period. gee... "States Rights"... where have I heard that before... OH YEAH!! the Civil Fucking War!!! that's the oldest facade for racism that exists in this fine Republic. I'm not a democrat either; i know all about the dixiecrats & their shenanigans.
"liberty without socialism is privilege and injustice; socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality" Mikhail Bakunin- the Original Anti-Marxist
the far right is being manipulated. plain & simple, by the very people they decry!
As is the far Left. And I repeat my question: Who owns General Motors? Who owns the banks? Is their any difference in the economic structure of modern America and that of fascist Italy? Hey, Benito made the trains run on time right?