Trump Purges Anyone With Integrity - MAGA

Alexander Vindman was escorted from the White House today. His brother, a senior NSC lawyer was fired.

More to come!

I haven't read anything about that, but I did hear about it. Are there labour laws in the US that encompass things like improper dismissal? If so, from what you know, might people like this have a case?
The USA is the most morally bankrupt society on the planet. You need only look at its leader to see this.


Alexander Vindman was escorted from the White House today. His brother, a senior NSC lawyer was fired.

More to come!
This is what happens when idiots get EC into power by a minority of People. Popular Votes should be the only way after all.

Donald Jackass Trump is looking more and more Like Little Kim jong un. If this is really what a small amount of American's want. We will pay to have them boated over to N.K. One Question is Why do these supports of this maniac not see this ?

Very Sad For Real American's.... America has become a dictatorship.

Not very political here. Why is Alexander vindman being escorted from the White House and his brother being fired an issue?
Sondland better cut another $1000000 check real quick.

On one level Donald is entirely predictable and its also his weakness, he can be sucked in real easy, not that anything matters to his base of bigots though. He literally can do no wrong with about 40% of the US population, he is above the law for all practical purposes. This guy makes the white people in America look real bad, their high level of support for this idiot makes them look and act like fools.

He's glad to be out I'll bet, Trumpers will boycott his businesses etc. Vindman and his brother are another matter though and it might cause trouble. and cost votes in november. I wonder who's next to go?
On one level Donald is entirely predictable and its also his weakness, he can be sucked in real easy, not that anything matters to his base of bigots though. He literally can do no wrong with about 40% of the US population, he is above the law for all practical purposes. This guy makes the white people in America look real bad, their high level of support for this idiot makes them look and act like fools.

He's glad to be out I'll bet, Trumpers will boycott his businesses etc. Vindman and his brother are another matter though and it might cause trouble. and cost votes in november. I wonder who's next to go?

You sound like you are culturally encapsulated. I work with hardcore conservatives and some hardcore socialist neither are bad people or inherently stupid. There are a lot of good people on both sides and everyone wants what’s better for the country they just disagree on what that looks like.
Truth about what?
Welcome to RIU and earth. You see what had happened was. . . . . .

Lev hired Rudy to help get rid of the American Ambassador to Ukraine. 45 also hired Rudy to help get rid of the American Ambassador to Ukraine. (I hear a lot about having to work two jobs, but it must be nice getting paid twice to do the same thing) That plan worked, so they went on to step two. Which was to pressure the new President of Ukraine into announcing investigations into Joe Biden and Crowdstrike in exchange for an oval office and those $400M in arm shipments. Rudy and Gorden Sondland had talking points drawn up, and set up airtime on CNN for the big announcement. Everything looked like it was going to work until someone spilled the beans. Apparently one of the planners blabbed about it on a line where Vindman and a dozen or so others were listening. If only they could have taken that one dummy out of the loop it could have worked.

But no need to fear for 45. 85% of GOP primary voters get most or all of their news from Fox, so they will never hear about it.
You sound like you are culturally encapsulated. I work with hardcore conservatives and some hardcore socialist neither are bad people or inherently stupid. There are a lot of good people on both sides and everyone wants what’s better for the country they just disagree on what that looks like.
Good people on both sides, where have I heard that before...
It sounds like you don't know right from wrong much less what is against the law. I figure yer a Trumper sock and are full of shit Joined Wednesday at 7:43 PM, with 4 posts in grow threads to get likes then straight to politics.

What was your old username? Something yer ashamed of so much you gotta use a sock?
Good people on both sides, where have I heard that before...
It sounds like you don't know right from wrong much less what is against the law. I figure yer a Trumper sock and are full of shit Joined Wednesday at 7:43 PM, with 4 posts in grow threads to get likes then straight to politics.

What was your old username? Something yer ashamed of so much you gotta use a sock?

You couldn’t be more wrong. I’ve been reading cannabis forums for awhile and was found of the community on this one in particular. So I decided to create an account didn’t much care to spend time on the name so put in the first thing that came to mind. I was looking at new threads cause I’m still new to the forum and saw this one and wanted to see what it was about. I have not been rude and have stated no real political opinion. I simply asked questions because I wanted to better understand what this was about. And now after I said the truth that there are good people left and right and that they shouldn’t just be written off because of their political ideology you seem to be upset with that. I’m not here talking shit I’m not calling anyone a libtard or anything of that nature. I was simply asking a question and starring there’s more to people than what they think the best direction for the country is. If you don’t believe that it shows me you are close minded and likely haven’t tried to get to know people on the other side of the political spectrum. We are all people trying to do what’s best right or wrong.
Welcome to RIU and earth. You see what had happened was. . . . . .

Lev hired Rudy to help get rid of the American Ambassador to Ukraine. 45 also hired Rudy to help get rid of the American Ambassador to Ukraine. (I hear a lot about having to work two jobs, but it must be nice getting paid twice to do the same thing) That plan worked, so they went on to step two. Which was to pressure the new President of Ukraine into announcing investigations into Joe Biden and Crowdstrike in exchange for an oval office and those $400M in arm shipments. Rudy and Gorden Sondland had talking points drawn up, and set up airtime on CNN for the big announcement. Everything looked like it was going to work until someone spilled the beans. Apparently one of the planners blabbed about it on a line where Vindman and a dozen or so others were listening. If only they could have taken that one dummy out of the loop it could have worked.

But no need to fear for 45. 85% of GOP primary voters get most or all of their news from Fox, so they will never hear about it.

So they were trying to get dirt on Biden to ruin his chances in the election. And this Vidman guy found out about it and was willing to report it so they get rid of him so if they do shady shit in the future they are more likely to get away with it?