Illinois Enema Bandit
Well-Known Member
cites in vids above,not good nuffin find your own while your explaining why you are OK with genocidecite it then.
don't get caught in another lie, skinhead.
cites in vids above,not good nuffin find your own while your explaining why you are OK with genocidecite it then.
don't get caught in another lie, skinhead.
cite it then.
don't get caught in another lie, skinhead.
Not to mention the fact that he used $55,000 of campaign donations to purchase 3,500-5,000 copies of his own book. If he took royalties from it, then it is actually illegal and not just sleazy.trump was charging $35,458 in rent for his own campaign headquarters in his own building back in march.
once his supporters started donating to him, the rent went up to $169,758 per month, despite having fewer staffers.
oh please, merciful lord, please send some dumbass trump supporters to defend this theft.
this is even funnier than his wife being a whore.
Are you insecure because you are a 350 pound pasty faced male virgin who was laughed at because flaccid in his first and only attempt at hiring a prostitute?I left out the part (feel threatened when challenged) ,thank you
Are you insecure because you are a 350 pound pasty faced male virgin who was laughed at because flaccid in his first and only attempt at hiring a prostitute?
You're pretty fuckin' retarded. That video, and all the bullshit healther claims, have been dismissed over and's just one seizure she had after a cell phone flash set her off,she has dimentia and Parkinson's
And "Dr" Drew has treated Hillary Clinton when? When was she his patient? Because it seems more like he's just talking out his ass, he got so used to loveline and celebrity rehab he's forgotten what real doctors do and how real doctors evaluate patients.once again all for buck,Dr drew cited explaining Hillary's brain damage
You're pretty fuckin' retarded. That video, and all the bullshit healther claims, have been dismissed over and over.
BEN CARSON AHAHAHAHAAH He doesn't believe in evolution and you expect me to take him as a credible source? You are even more retarded than I thought, I'm surprised you can even work the keyboard you fucking dullard.haha yup,snopes and CNN know more about brain issues than doctors lmfao at you zombies,Ben Carson is a brain surgeon yet u post snopes lol
too bad u lose badly,the brain surgeon comment hides are coming up next so get some huff post expert rebuttals ready lol
and you have treated any human with your Dr skills exactly when,your a forum slug and he's a renowned Dr but your fit to challenge his diagnosis lolAnd "Dr" Drew has treated Hillary Clinton when? When was she his patient? Because it seems more like he's just talking out his ass, he got so used to loveline and celebrity rehab what real doctors do and how real doctors evaluate patients.
BEN CARSON AHAHAHAHAAH He doesn't believe in evolution and you expect me to take him as a credible source? You are even more retarded than I thought, I'm surprised you can even work the keyboard you fucking dullard.
A "renowned" doctor! Oh my god you make me laugh so hard! You are seriously delusional kid, maybe it's all the pent up jizz from never ever getting laid that is fucking up the way you think.and you have treated any human with your Dr skills exactly when,your a forum slug and he's a renowned Dr but your fit to challenge his diagnosis lol
errrr,the buzzer sounds
and you have treated any human with your Dr skills exactly when,your a forum slug and he's a renowned Dr but your fit to challenge his diagnosis lol
errrr,the buzzer sounds
Does he shrink himself down and get inside them? You can't even compose a coherent sentence, you should really listen to your betters about shit like this. You are not smart enough to decide for yourself what is valid.he performs surgery inside children's brains but you know better because your madd internet skillz,can you say assanine lol
that's why I listen to the drs,you keep listening to huff post n snopesDoes he shrink himself down and get inside them? You can't even compose a coherent sentence, you should really listen to your betters about shit like this. You are not smart enough to decide for yourself what is valid.
I'll counter your jibberish with a DR's opinion