trump is literally stealing $130,000+ a month from his dumbass supporters

your right,how could this sack of shit know wtf he's talking about,all u internet warriors know more about brain surgery ,but isn't johns Hopkins the best in the world? oh but your link from huff post discredits Dr Ben Carson's insane skills lmao

Ben Carson: The world's dumbest neurosurgeon.
"A lot of people believe in God, but I personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary [Satan]."
"One of the things I’m hoping to do over the next few years, one of the books coming up on my docket, is called The Organ of Species – not The Origin of Species, The Organ of Species – and we’re going to talk about the organs of the body and how they completely refute evolution, and several other things as well."
-Ben Carson
alt right hero Mike Huckabee

huckabee's kid mutilated a stray dog and he had the judge cover it up.

Religious right makes conservatives look like retards....i agree

so does saying that minimum wage increases cause unemployment then citing a right wing propaganda machine for "proof", then running away after i post the actual BLS numbers showing that you are full of shit.
nah,I don't listen to politicians speeches but I do listen to the hundreds of people who Ben Carson performed brain surgery on,ya can't go wrong listening to the people

Maybe he's one of those idiot savants that's a great surgeon and a complete moron with everything else,he has more conspiracy theories than you do.